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  • 03-15-2012, 02:41 AM
    Due December 14th

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    Country is so fucked
  • 03-14-2012, 06:21 PM

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    You sound like a faggot.
  • 03-13-2012, 11:10 PM
    !! I Want a Baby!!!

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    Congress has no desire to simplify the tax code because doing so reduces its relevancy and power.
  • 03-13-2012, 04:14 PM
    Kyle C

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    He's not saying it's perfect, but very few people know enough about it to talk with him on a high level about how it could be better. If you look at the tax code's development over the years, it's possible for someone to understand the complexity. Nothing in there is random; it all directly addresses fraud prevention or policy goals. The language and structure are incredibly complicated because taxpayers are incredibly clever at finding ways to avoid paying tax and Congress (rightly or wrongly) has complicated policy goals.

    If you wanted to reboot the tax code you'd just end up with something similar to what we have now in 50 years.
  • 03-06-2012, 08:56 PM

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    It has everything to do with the state of the economy. People can't take care of themselves and are dependent. Life is a competition and these type of people will lose in the game. They're taken advantage of, squeezed, and tossed out. Savvy people push the unsavvy people around and life goes on.

    Someone who wants to, say, open a restaurant, has to jump through all kinRAB of hoops. "OMG what if people got sick b/c he didn't know how to cook the food omgomgomg"

    Some countries just don't give a fuck. I hate eating in chains and will take my chances with the plethora of corner shops that may or may not have clean kitchens. The food tastes good and if I don't get sick I'll keep coming back.
  • 03-06-2012, 01:43 AM

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    This is part of democratic policy i cannot stand. Has there ever been as big of a group of pushovers with that much power?
  • 03-05-2012, 11:45 PM
    My Love

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    Not at all. What is wrong with the conditions that made America great in the first place? A strong middle class with a high standard of living.
  • 03-05-2012, 10:52 PM
    I wanna know

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    basically we've painted ourselves in a corner and there's no way out, is the feeling i get about current state of the government. I understand what you're saying, but what are your thoughts on GE not paying anything at all, and IIRC getting a refund?
  • 03-05-2012, 06:15 PM

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    Ugh no...the market dictates the price of crude refiners have to pay that market price or something close to have product to refine. If you tell the refiner they can now get 3 dollars for a gallon of gas but it cost them 4 guess what happens?

    Even the integrated super majors couldn't make this work for long as their margins are about 7 to 12%. So it doesn't take a big swing in prices (via cap)to totally destroy their margins.
  • 03-05-2012, 12:26 PM

    Where are these "American People" that WANT corporations to not pay taxes?!?

    They only had control for a few years, and I don't know why you think they had a hard on to spend money. And, isn't the GOP giving insane tax leniencies the same thing when it comes down to it? Preventing the raising of revenue is the same as spending it.

    I think that both sides suck, but blaming Obama is too easy, and way to convenient and simple of an answer. The fact of the matter is, the type of fiscal policy and legal framework that allows these things to take place, on either side, took decades to produce.
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