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  • 06-18-2012, 12:19 AM
    he world won't come to an end so soon..... Still i have many things to achieve. .........
  • 06-10-2012, 09:07 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I hope all of you die today!!!
    Looks like someone is having a bad day. I am sure we can cheer you up:

  • 06-10-2012, 08:11 PM
    I hope all of you die today!!!
  • 06-10-2012, 04:53 PM
    I believe that something bad will happen this year, usually leap years are known for bad things.
  • 06-10-2012, 04:51 PM
    I don't believe in Maya or their predictions, I refuse to believe that we will die this year. I am too young to die.
  • 06-10-2012, 04:43 PM

    Will End of the World come in 2012?

    With all the controversy surrounding 2012 I thought it would be nice to ask what our members think about this issue?

    Natural Disasters
    Predicted in the 2012 Apocalypse

    A supervolcano or super volcanic eruption is a volcanic eruption which is of such great magnitude greater that it's eruption can cause long-lasting change to weather, like the triggering of an ice age or 'volcanic winter'. A magnitude large enough to threaten the extinction of species, and cover huge areas of the earth with lava and ash.

    In addition to the apocalyptic changes in temperatures around the world, a super-volcano can blast billions and billions of metric tons of sulphuric acid into the atmosphere. This causes acid rain to fall around the world.

    The Four known super-volcanoes capable of Apocalyptic eruptions are:

    1) Lake Taupo, North Island, New Zealand - 26,500 years ago
    2) Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia - ~75,000 years ago
    3) Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, United States - ~640,000 years ago, ~1.3 million years ago, ~2.2 million years ago
    4) La Garita Caldera, Colorado, United States - Largest eruption known to man ~27.8 million years ago

    Of particular interest is Lake Toba, where magma build up has risen land mass over 3 miles higher than it's last eruption. Is this the 2012 Apocalypse?

    Asteroid or Comet
    The energy of an impact from 433 eros would be equivalent to 100 million megatons of TNT, 6 million times more energetic than the 1980 Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption.

    The impact would eject rock from several kilometers beneath the surface of the Earth and carved out a bowl-shaped crater nearly 100 km in diameter. In addition, the shock of the impact would produce magnitude 10 earthquakes, which were greater than the magnitude of any we have ever measured in modern times. Other effects such as a tsunami approximately 50 to 100 meters high should be expected.

    Near the impact crater the debris is tens to hundreds of meters thick, while it's plume reaches as far away as 2000 km. Additional material was lofted in an expanding, vapor-rich plume that included gas from the vaporized asteroid or comet. This plume would rise far above the Earth's atmosphere, enveloping it, and eventually depositing a thin layer of debris around the entire world. The darkness as predicted in the book of revelation.

    Terrestrial and Solar Pole Reversal
    Polar reversal is process by which the North and South pole reverses position. According to a new study, when polar reversal is in early stage (which is now), the tectonic plates are heavily affected by the changing electro magnetic fields and the result is change in flux characteristics affecting the gravity.

    During polar reversal the equilibrium between electromagnetic forces and the gravity of the earth as well as the other parts of the solar system and the galaxy is disturbed. The net effect is unpredictable erratic behavior of the continental and oceanic plates.

    It is evident now that increasing number and intensities in hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes all over the world are caused by the electromagnetic influence of the terrestrial polar reversal.

    In the present decade the earth has experienced the largest three earthquakes in over two hundred years. The under water volcanoes and earthquakes have gone up 88% over the last three years. The continental earthquakes have gone up by 62% during the same time frame. The rate of increase of earthquakes and volcanoes against time is staggering.

    Some scientists believe the ongoing polar reversal is accelerating and will eventually have reverse polarity in North and South pole. According to the simulation model, the earth’s inner core and outer core is going through some serious disturbances causing increased frequency and strength of earthquakes and volcanoes as we approach the year 2012. The 2012 apocalypse is near.

    A computer model monitoring the recent seismic disturbances – earthquakes and volcanoes show extreme disturbance in the outer and inner core of the earth. The interaction of the inner core and the rest of the earth cause the electromagnetic properties of the earth.

    In our modern age we have not experienced a simultaneous solar and terrestrial polar reversal. Between now and 2012, the sun will experience a polar reversal and the earth will also experience a polar reversal. This combination of events will cause disturbances in the earth’s crust and tectonic plates resulting in severe volcanoes and earthquakes.

    In this decade, three most violent earthquakes happened in the last 150 years. This is accompanied by innumerable small quakes, under water volcanoes, mudslides and more. Simply put, the tectonic plates are slowly going out of equilibrium and are showing chaotic effects.

    The polar reversal also causes shift in tectonic forces to accelerate. The pressures built up for many years are some what released through violent outbreaks with earthquakes and Tsunamis.

    Pestilence and Disease

    Global Warming


    NASA landed a satellite on Eros the asteroid and have come to the conclusion that Eros will be near earth object in Earth's path around January of 2012. When asked why they landed such a device on Eros they replied," They wanted to see if they could in case in the future that they had to plant explosives on an asteroid to try to prevent a collision"

    Eros is an asteroid 26 miles in diameter. So immense that the explosives wouldn't work to stop the bulk of the 26 mile in diameter asteroid from hitting our world. If it does it will be planet killer, The Apocalypse of 2012.

    The direct impact of Eros upon the earth's surface would destroy all mankind and animals, follage. The end of times, the Apocalypse, or Doomsday.

    NASA also predicts the sun will reverse it's magnetic poles in 2012 and end it's 11 year sunspot cycle .

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