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  • 06-14-2012, 02:05 PM

    The effect of code on power consumption

    Of course putting a microcontroller into sleep mode or changing the clock rate has an effect on the power consumption of the chip, but what about different bits of code? Is multiplying two numbers more efficient than adding them, and does ORing two values consume more power than NOPping? [jcw] wanted to compare the power draw of a microcontroller running different loops, so he threw some code on a JeeNode and hooked it up to an oscilloscope.
    For his test, [jcw] tested two instructions: multiply and shift left. These loops run 50,000 and 5,000 times, respectively (bit shifting is really slow on ATMegas, apparently) and looked at the oscilloscope as the JeeNode was doing its work.
    Surprisingly, there is a difference in power consumption between the multiply and shift loops. The shift loop draws 8.4 mA, while the multiply loop draws 8.8 mA. Not much, but clearly visible and measurable. While you’re probably not going to optimize the power draw of a project by only using low-power instructions, it’s still very interesting to watch a microcontroller do its thing.

    Filed under: Microcontrollers, Software Development

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