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  • 06-25-2012, 05:10 PM
    Maybe I am out of touch, but I personally like other parts more than legs.
  • 06-24-2012, 09:33 PM
    I have long legs, or so I'm told.
    Also, long legs must appeal to women too - Think about models and how their legs are long and slender looking. Long legged models in advertisements for stores are one of the things that sell the clothes to you. If shops displayed their clothes on girls with shorter legs, you wouldn't be as inclined to buy them. Harsh but true. Shops promote a beauty ideal in the form of a current fashionable silhouette. They seem to sell this ideal to women along with their clothes.
  • 06-24-2012, 09:30 PM
    It's the shape they find attractive, not necessarily the length. I get told that I have nice long legs and I am not tall, I am only 5'5". Height has little to do with it.

    I'm a woman and I can tell which women have nice legs, but legs aren't everything. We all have nice features, and plain features. It's nothing to worry about. We have what we have and we have to happy with that.
  • 06-24-2012, 09:29 PM
    I am a girl and I love long legs myself. Not because I have long legs(well, they are a little long, I admit, but not much longer than my upper body). I think they look more feminine and elegant.
  • 06-24-2012, 09:28 PM
    Lots of guys like long legs? That's news to me!

    I'm almost 6' tall, am in shape and look decent, and guys NEVER paid attention to me until I started college. It seems (to me) that the "cute" petite girls get a lot more attention than the tall leggy ones.

    Or-- maybe guys like tall girls, but only if she's shorter than him? It seems like most of them like to be the physically larger one in a relationship. My fiance (who is 5'7) is different and loves me being tall. But I think he's got a bit of a tall-girl fetish
  • 06-24-2012, 09:27 PM
    I dont want those daddy long leg/grasshopper legs.if anything the majority of women in the world are below 5'7". That includes marilyn monroe,vida guerra,jessica simpson,kim kardashian,Coco austin,mayra veronica,monica santiago,shakira,sarah lime,salma hayek,carmen electra,renatta frisson and the list goes on. I actually read that shorter women have more estrogen because estrogen is what stops bone grow, testosterone is what increases bone growth! thats why tall girls were given a while ago "Estrogen injections" to halt bone growth.
    Shorter women are more feminine, which explain their curves(small waist,big butt,wide hips,thighs,etc)
    Men prefer a Kim kardashian body than a 6 foot tall model with toothpick for legs and looks like a prepubescent child! the fashion industry distorted the female form! men liek meat,only dogs like bones!No man wants sticks fo rlegs, they actually are disgusted by that. Men like the opposite of masculinity, which is femininty. Long grasshopper/daddy long legs are not beautiful! and especialyl when therye thin, they look like tootpicks! marilyn monroe wasnt tall but men would choose her over a boy looking 6 foot tall telephone pole body with long stick legs and size 13 feet
  • 06-24-2012, 09:26 PM
    I find long legs more attractive on females. On short girls you cant really see their legs as much, so I guess it's not as appealing?
    I think it's also true what was said before that even if a girl isn't that chunky, if she has shorter legs they tend to look much bulkier.

    I think my legs are my favorite part of my body, because they're long and toned. They've never been too thin (chicken legs) or too bulky. My boyfriends have always liked them, but I also tend to get a lot of compliments from girls about them when I wear short dresses. But still there are plenty of other assets about the female body that are gorgeous! xxoo
  • 06-24-2012, 09:19 PM
    I'm a girl (obviously) and I find longer legs more attractive then short ones. I hate my legs because I'm only 5'0. Longer legs are just more slender and nice looking. I can't explain it.

    Same reason I suppose why guys "like" bigger boobs.
  • 06-24-2012, 09:19 PM
    I think longer legs look more elegant. With shorter legs the muscles aren't stretched out as long and they get the "chunky" look. But shorter legs are stronger than longer legs
  • 06-24-2012, 09:17 PM
    Because those long legs can be wrapped around them? And generally, long legs = tall. And me and my friend are the same dress size, a ten, yet she looks SO skinny because she's 5'6 to my 5'2.

    I thought men went for petite girls? The whole protecting the 'weaker' thing..?
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