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  • 07-08-2013, 07:43 AM

    Google nexus 10 or Xperia tablet Z?

    Like the title actually clearly explains. (But I will clarify one and the other for some people)

    At the start of next month I will be going on a holiday to Turkey.
    I know lots of fun blah blah, but I actually hate (and fear a little bit) plane travels.
    That's why I will need a tablet to watch movies on or to read E-Books.
    And therefore I could even do this at the pool or whatever, basically I will be needing this tablet for the lame plane travel, to get some distraction.

    If you answer, please give me reasons WHY to pick one of these two.

    To clarify why I picked these two tablets:

    I am more into android, while I have an android phone, and I clearly don't whine as much about my driving programma than my friend who has an iPhone.
    Therefore have I heard that Apple is pretty decent, but with Apple some troubles occur. Troubles like Apple Store failure, and having to pay for a decent amount of good apps, which are free on devices like Samsung.
    After all, I just like my Android at the moment, and although Apple is very popular, I tend to choose for Android, and most of the people I talk to, with me.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong...

    Now after I chose the driving programme, I started the really search to tablets. After a lot of research and reviews, I came to these two tablets (Google Nexus 10 and the Sony Xperia tablet Z).

    I think they are both good tablets, and I like the waterproof side of the Xperia, but many people tell me (in reviews basically) that the Google nexus beats the Quad-Core Xperia.

    I am just new to tablets, and this is most of what I know and think to know about them. I want your opinion about the best tablet for me. If you think the really best Android tablet is not 1 of these two, you might add that to your answer. I just found out that the Google Nexus 7 is the really greatest (small) tablet at the moment, and I actually want a 10 inch tablet, so that is why I chose the Nexus 10.

    I am basically using my tablet for watching movies, reading E-Books, not too big apps and some extra features I use just next to my laptop (like searching anything while gaming, to prevent my pc from crashing when I spam Ctrl + Tab). So a decent battery life and (very) good screen quality are welcome. If you have some extra tips, hints, tricks or whatever to look at while choosing a tablet, they are all welcome!

    Thanks in advance!

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