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  • 03-27-2009, 01:08 AM
    I agree with Raven. I've taken 3 injured animals to the vet and all have been put down without a second thought. One I'll admit was very ill and not much could be done but vets won't care if they can't get any money. Cruel but true. I'll have a look for some care tips on the internet.

    Some info on food and habits

    Yes you can tame them, but be careful of your eyes!

    Wildlife hospital

    More info

    Wildlife rescue

    Another rescue
  • 03-27-2009, 01:07 AM
    phone the RSPCA ok
  • 03-27-2009, 01:06 AM
    superstar tradesman
    law of nature, strongest survive
  • 03-27-2009, 01:06 AM
    Bring it to a vet and see what they say of the injury. If it cannot fly then I suggest you keep it as it would not last in the wild. It will get tamer as it gets used to you.
  • 03-27-2009, 01:06 AM
    John F

    A relative has found a wild bird in there garden? injured?

    A relative has found a wild bird in there garden a couple of weeks ago. One of its wings is injured and its unable to fly. They have been feeding it but it wasnt sheltered, they have moved house and were going to leave it there but i was afraid that maybe a cat or something would get it so I asked if i could catch it and put it in my garden.
    I have put it into a small enclosure that i would use for my rabbit during the day. I have also put a box into it for shelter and some water. Ive only got it today and need help on how to care for it.
    Should i bring it to the vet etc, but i would like to keep it if i could and build it a more suitable enclosure. I know its a wild bird and it should be free, but it cant fly and im afraid of maybe a cat etc getting to it. The bird is a jackdaw and can it be tamed? it does come close to you when you throw food for it.
    Please help

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