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  • 04-04-2009, 08:51 PM
    Gold fish dont actually need that much to survive. Have you ever been to a pet store's back side. They have millions of gold fish just sitting there and there are alot. They do hoever need clean water to survive. I'd suggest talking to your sister and advising her to clean up the water at least once or twice a month. Gold fish are the easiest to take care of, if anything she should have some kind of respect for another living creature. Make sure she feeds them fish food or otherwise they'll for sure die. They can also eat crums of bread and small starchi things. If nothing else is available, fish can actually be very fun but they must be taken care of...
  • 04-04-2009, 08:50 PM
    Elizabeth K
    Poor water quality and lack of oxygen is causing the fish to suffer. Goldfish produce a lot of waste and their tanks should be cleaned by performing partial water changes weekly.
    A filter is necessary for all fish to thrive.

    Call ahead to a local fish store and ask if they will take them in.
  • 04-04-2009, 08:49 PM
    Cody D
    ya the fish is dieing....the red spot is bloating blood and or a sore from material in the water or there own poop is its like a rash or infection. this will kill the fish unfortunately.
  • 04-04-2009, 08:49 PM
    Cody D
    ya the fish is dieing....the red spot is bloating blood and or a sore from material in the water or there own poop is its like a rash or infection. this will kill the fish unfortunately.
  • 04-04-2009, 08:49 PM
    OMFG.....tell your sister if she's gonna keep those fish she needs to take care of them. Thats animal crulity right there. Most likely, no matter what you do, that fish is going to die. Slowly and painfully :'(. I feel so sorry for it
  • 04-04-2009, 08:48 PM
    Jade K
    take it to the pet store where she got it. it sounds to me like she needs a pump/filter ASAP

    go to the pet store and get one
    she needs to be changes the water more. go to the pet store and talk to them
  • 04-04-2009, 08:48 PM
    thats how fish r like when they r dying, i had a fish like that and it died in 3 days. she really needs 2 get a filter. poor fish,..
  • 04-04-2009, 08:47 PM
    It sounds like her fish is pretty sick, i would suggest she contact a fish expert to give her some advice..the levels in her water are probably off and are affecting the fish, a 15-25% waterchange needs to be done like every 2 weeks to keep ammonia and nitrite levels down. There could also be problems in the water that can be fixed with a product that will medicate the water. I would suggest her going on to tetra-fish.com and signing up for an account, even if she doesnt own their product, she should say she is setting a tank up and should sign up, and afterwards she can ask them questions and they will email you back with really good help and advice..

    a fish is a lot more work than you think, I do a 15 % water change once a week my tank and check my ammonia, nitrite and ph level once a week as well...lots of fish can live in conditions where you dont clean the tank, but dont be surprised if one pops up dead once in a while...

    if she cares for her fish she should make a little more effort to keep them healthy and happy
  • 04-04-2009, 08:47 PM
    it is sick
  • 04-04-2009, 08:47 PM
    That fish is best if u just flush it. Sorry
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