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  • 04-22-2009, 09:30 PM
    Lol pretty much everything about Aussie is bogan. That's just our culture. I sure am proud of it! By the way....... AFL rocks!
  • 04-22-2009, 09:27 PM
    matt l
    soccer is more acting than actuall skill, there all poser poffs that cudnt play a contact sport cause there pussys,

    oh and those dumb english fuks that start riots and shit are fuk heads, w8 arent all english people dick heads??
  • 04-22-2009, 07:06 PM
    sounds like you need to go outside and get some sun into your pale/yellow english skin and live a little.
  • 04-22-2009, 07:05 PM
    Nice try

    Make up your mind if the sport is called AFL or Aussie Rules, i'll give you a hint it's not AFL.

    Your little story is so full of crap it's not funny.

    dream on little one.
  • 04-22-2009, 06:54 PM
    then dont watch it just hang out with the other soccer hoolagans then
  • 04-22-2009, 06:49 PM
    A rude English men? Well I never!!!

    Sorry mate but everyone country has idiots.

    AFL sucks tho and i'm aussie
  • 04-22-2009, 06:46 PM
    Glenns Brown eyed girl
    are you talking about Big Kev or Black Diamond or Mr Prime Minister or they call me daryl (clone) or the Enforcer AKA Crowboy 169 or Kashmir or Black Sabbath or 2 many to mention

    YES he is a BOGAN
  • 04-22-2009, 06:37 PM
    Brutally Honest - SA
    that's strange... you were originally from Victoria, yet you claim to have never heard of the term "bogan".... this story has more holes than a cheese grater. (a cheese grater has alot of holes. just letting u know, incase u didnt catch on. you seem to be the slow type)
  • 04-22-2009, 03:49 PM
    My god, this is just about the most pompous thing I've read on here in a while.What im confused about also is if you've even ever been to a soccer match over in England, theres about 50 times the swearing and yelling going on there, cockney soccer riot anyone? By the way, "I never really like hated AFL but neither did I like it lol" , looks as if your well and truly on the road to becoming a bogan anyway..
  • 04-22-2009, 03:46 PM
    Lemon Twist
    Never seen a Liverpool or Mank game? .... oh yeah - how's it go - "if you're not a mank, you're a wank". Never see that in soccer do you. Not if you've got your eyes, ears and mind closed.

    You're so damned impressive being over there and criticising from afar. Eton is it? But you wouldn't stereotype now would you - being so superior?

    If you had your answer - why ask the question? You've got your replies. Enjoy your stay in the good old home country. Do make it a long one won't you - and careful not to buise your tut-tut when you fall off your high horse won't you little queenie.
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