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  • 06-27-2009, 11:04 PM
    tennis shoes for soccer/b-ball, shoes with a one inch heel for horseback riding, swimsuit, sunscreen, bug spray, sunglasses (maybe), a hat (baseball cap or other-it keeps the sun out of your eyes & keeps you from getting burnt), hair tie, tall socks if you will be hiking/outside a lot, wear shorts but bring long pants for riding, wear a t-shirt but bring a jacket/hoodie in case its cold in the morning, WATER, a back pack to store everything, annnd i think that's it! dont worry about the horse, generally at camps the horses are very calm and very used to horrible riders, and very used to the activities they're doing so since youve ridden youll be absolutely fine, have fun!
  • 06-27-2009, 11:04 PM
    water/gaterade if you like it <- better for you if you're doing activities all day and lunch (food and snack - you're gonna get hungry)

    hand washing and don't forget napkins and plastic silverware if you need it for your lunch - you're gonna want to clean up before lunch

    change of clothes long and short sleeve because riding you need long sleeve or at least long pants(and extra swimming suit in case you go swimming with your horse etc.)

    helmet, boots, and extra riding gear if you have them

    deoderant (you ought to get sweaty... that would be a mericale if you didn't after being in the heat most of the day)

    mabye if they let you bring your ipod? bring that? it sometimes helps calm but be sure to keep track of it

    and of course a bag to put the stuff in (mabye a backpack or a little
    bag - don't bring a big bag because you're going to have to hold it most of the day..)

    have fun at camp! camp is fun! i wish i could go - i'm too old (i'll be an adult next year and i could be a counsler haha)
  • 06-27-2009, 11:02 PM
    wow that's a lot of stuff haha. okay remember sunglasses, water bottle, and this is weird but always bring tissues because noses start bleeding at really unopportune moments. about the horse, i would ask around. it helps to know ahead of time if the horse is girthy or has a hard mouth... but don't worry too much, i'm sure the first day you won't be doing a lot and you'll be able figure out what kind of horse it is. and i'm sure you know this but i might bring apples for the horse, they like that oh and you're going to have to bring like four pairs of shoes, cleats, flip flops, normal sneakers, and riding boots. haha have funn
  • 06-27-2009, 11:01 PM

    Help Me Pack For Camp (Even Tho It's A Day Camp)?

    Hi There,
    So I'm going to a camp that is NOT sleep away. But, I want to know what I need to bring just to be prepared.

    The activities I'm doing are:

    Horseback Riding

    and any extra advice is greatly appreciated.
    For the riding, I already have riding experience.
    w/t/c and jump

    I was wondering tho, what can I do to calm my nerves about riding a new horse that I don't know?
    Sorry, the real question was "What to I need to bring?"

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