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  • 12-12-2009, 07:59 PM

    iPhone dropped in toilet.. help?

    My iPhone dropped in the toilet about 3-4 days ago. My sister's bf tried to fix it and get the water out but nothing worked. How can I fix my iPhone without fixing it at a store and costing money? ANOTHER PROBLEM, I borrowed my sister's bf's iPhone and I installed the sim in and everything. But I LOST ALL MY CONTACT NUMBERS, how can I get it back? PLEASE & THANK YOU!!!
  • 12-12-2009, 07:59 PM
    Charles Winston
    Well, it's gonna be hard, the first thing you needed to do was to take out the battery and the sim, and let dry the battery without using the sun's heat and dry the phone with a dryer. You can't put the battery on the phone after about 24 hours because it can make a short circuit. It happens to me all the time.

    You installed the sim on your sister's bf's iphone and lost all your contacts? this means that when everytime you added a contact; that contact was added to the phone's memory and not the sim' memory)
  • 12-12-2009, 07:59 PM
    Charles Winston
    Well, it's gonna be hard, the first thing you needed to do was to take out the battery and the sim, and let dry the battery without using the sun's heat and dry the phone with a dryer. You can't put the battery on the phone after about 24 hours because it can make a short circuit. It happens to me all the time.

    You installed the sim on your sister's bf's iphone and lost all your contacts? this means that when everytime you added a contact; that contact was added to the phone's memory and not the sim' memory)

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