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  • 01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
    just lose it. chances are your ugly and cant find another guy wanting to have sex with you
  • 01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
    just tell him your not readdy atm if he truly loves you he'll understand. also how can it be a serious relationship in 7 wekks?? that confuses me O.o
  • 01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
    Homer Simpson
    Guess...Every male that doesn't want to have sex soon is a fag or a faker.
    Sorry but this is the truth (:
    Watch the movie ''The Ugly Truth'', there's basically everything true (:
  • 01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
    just lose it. chances are your ugly and cant find another guy wanting to have sex with you
  • 01-06-2010, 12:34 AM
    He's just using you.I would kick him in the balls and knock him out before he takes your virginity and moves on to another girl.Dont say i didnt warn you

    You say he said he took another girls virginity? Only little no good dirt bags brag about that kind of thing.No he doesnt respect you.He doesnt want YOU he wants sex
  • 01-06-2010, 12:33 AM
    At 17, there is no serious relationship. If you really want sex with someone you love, you will wait till your older 25 . till then avoid being serious with testosterone driven teenagers.
  • 01-06-2010, 12:32 AM
    he's a jerk. you're right. he's wrong. if the pressure continues, tell him to shove off and dump his sorry self. do not give in.
  • 01-06-2010, 12:32 AM
    cee bees
    I'm sorry, his history tells it all! Really, she was too immature-the other virgin-hmmm-I wonder what she would say about it??? Yeah, 7 weeks is too soon.
  • 01-06-2010, 12:31 AM
    Forlorn Hope
    if you aren't into sex, just dump him... i'm sure there are plenty of other virgins to cherry-pop - especially ones that aren't playing games!!!
  • 01-06-2010, 12:30 AM

    Why is he being pushy about sex so soon?

    Me and my boyfriend have been going out since the begining of november, so almost 7 weeks. I am a virgin and have told him from the start that I wanted to wait a whille to make sure that i truly loved him. He said that he'd wait for me and was really understanding about it, he is 17 and has had experience with other girls. I am also aware that not long before dating me he had taken a girls virginity but it didn't work out because he felt emotionally she was too immature. Everyone i know and who he knows have told me he really is falling in love with you and he would wait forever for you and i believe that too. He just has that look in his eyes sometimes. By the way it is a serious relationship.

    Anyway, we've done other things and thats been great, however i am aware how horny he gets and thats good erally because it just means hes really turned on and passionate but the other day after we had made out and other things he just said 'When are we going to have sex' for me, it kind of ruined the moment and i replied 'All good things come to those who wait' does that me he doesnt have respect for me or what? I mean i know its natural but if he was that into me surely he would of kept his mouth shut. I told him although theres no set time i just feel like i need it to feel perfect and want to wait..
    He's ever so loving and caring but whats the rush my question is? We haven't told eachother we love eachother and is it just that hes so horny he cant take it or what! Please help me x
    Jesus christ guys, are you all the same?

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