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  • 10-01-2008, 09:27 PM

    Weird Dream..can anyone explain it ?

    Ok I had this really messed up dream..and it went like this..

    Okay I was kind of 'Floating' in the air about 100-200ft in a theme park..(oakwood, wales)

    and I looked over to the ride 'speed' and after the first drop, the carriage came off the tracks, and flew backwards...dont know if anyone died, but it happend like 3 times somehow o.0 ..and I saw the pirate ship come off it once!

    ..anyway later on, I saw my friend, Richard... like 'flying around' the park in the air like me really fast... coming near me and everything and he was DEAD! ....it was like a zombie.. and I was like getting really scared in my dream now...

    and as some carriages come off the ride speed...some bodies would fly out and they would seem to effortlessly 'bounce' as they hit the ground.. and continously be moving like ragdolls in zero gravity...

    I've been on speed like 15 times, i dont mind rides...

    but this dream is really messed up !!!!
    anyone explain my own head to me?
    haha Lee .. :P

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