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  • 10-04-2010, 06:32 PM
    In 21st Century the Girls life is better, because they only like BF or husband who works hard and on way back bring the packed dinner. The trouble start when the girl becomes pregnant.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:30 PM
    Really? you can't think of any? You guys have it easier in dating, hands down (And I don't believe any guy when he says he finds dating easy) You plan the weddings ! You can get away out of a traffic ticket ! Your husband depends on you more than you depend on him. Multiple Orgasms?? Yeah, you guys (gals) get that too -_- . Dating guys and getting them to buy YOU the item at any store. You get to be more emotional and in touch with your feelings (guys can get in touch with their feelings, but your best bet for a guy? hide you feelings in front of friends and don't ever be whiney) If you get a zit you know how to conceal it (If i get a zit it takes forever to find new ways of hiding it) and best of all?
    You guys have boobs. Ugh.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:30 PM
    Really? you can't think of any? You guys have it easier in dating, hands down (And I don't believe any guy when he says he finds dating easy) You plan the weddings ! You can get away out of a traffic ticket ! Your husband depends on you more than you depend on him. Multiple Orgasms?? Yeah, you guys (gals) get that too -_- . Dating guys and getting them to buy YOU the item at any store. You get to be more emotional and in touch with your feelings (guys can get in touch with their feelings, but your best bet for a guy? hide you feelings in front of friends and don't ever be whiney) If you get a zit you know how to conceal it (If i get a zit it takes forever to find new ways of hiding it) and best of all?
    You guys have boobs. Ugh.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:30 PM
    it depends on a lot of things :In which society is the girl living....If they are living in afganistan or pakistan or these countries it wouldn't be better, these countries are dominated by males and if a man killed a women there he is considered a hero,(they say he defended his honor.)

    If the woman is living in hollywood, or those places, everyone loves her more than a male (unless she is britney spears :P)

    Overall, in the modern societies females have a lot of advantages on males, if you were married for example and you want to divorce your husband, you take away all his properties and money and leave him with nothing. If you were a teenager and have a bf, you will leave your bf unless he spends all of his money on you :P

    So it depends on the person and on the society, you can't compare every male and every female, you have to be more specific, you have to consider the personality, the IQ, the bank account of a female the society, the religion, the age....Otherwise you'll end up with no conclusive conclution
  • 10-04-2010, 06:28 PM
    none we got it easy for some reason you have pregnancy,periods,and are always being hunted by guys.
    And guys get sex,TV, and eat all day. But we do have to go through the proses of winning a girls heart which is impossible.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:28 PM
    raving rabbid
    Well I always thought there were more men who dressed up as women, than women who go for the masculine type of look. I suppose the majority of society believes that women are more appealing to the eye?
  • 10-04-2010, 06:24 PM
    super dude
    its easier, but that doesnt mean its better
  • 10-04-2010, 06:24 PM
    girls generally get to have closer relationships with friends/family because we're not afraid of showing our feelings unlike the majority of guys.

    we get to dress up, wear pretty clothes, act like little kids sometimes, cry and also be tomboys if we want.

    we get to have children. having a person grow inside of you for 9 months makes you closer to anyone than u will ever be.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:23 PM
    You get much more respect from society, and I guess even though they might think you're weak, you still have it easier. I'm just a bony Asian guy who's weak, and it just happens to be "ok" to hit a boy.
  • 10-04-2010, 06:22 PM
    Me neither honey.

    1. Long hair.
    Many girls are still unaccepted by society when they have short hair. Yes even at this 'socially advanced' stage we are in. I read an article somewhere once where a little girl, barely seven, was called a dyke by friends her age for having short hair. On the bright side though, girls are at a lower chance of being subjected to humiliation having short hair then a boy is when he decides to grow out his hair.

    2. Boobs
    Seriously, what's nice about having this huge mound that you have to carry around everywhere?

    3. Period
    It's both literally and figuratively a PAIN IN THE ASS. Plus when it happens, many girls break out. Or their boobs hurt. And then there's always cramps. And you needing to go to the toilet to change your pad like every 3 to 6 hours. Boys don't have this shit.

    4. Appearance
    Makeup- gives you pimples
    Heels- hurt you like a mofo
    Corsets (back then)- crushed the lungs of many poor girls in the past
    Oh and you're expected to look gorgeous all the time but you can't make your boyfriend/ husband wait while you do.

    5. Pregnancy
    If you're a teenage girl and decide to sleep with a guy before getting married and end up pregnant. Life'd suck for you. The guy could always leave, you can't. Your only option is to deliver or take a life.
    However, you also get the privilege of being the bearer of life. Not to bad eh?

    6. Weaker sex
    Girls aren't as strong, aren't as fast and also, according to some studies, not as smart. BUT we do test better.

    7. Women still earn 70 cents to every dollar a man makes. Nuff' said.

    Sorry I didn't really answer your question. But these were just my thoughts. Perhaps if you had a feminist friend you could ask her? Or check out a feminist website?
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