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  • 10-12-2010, 01:13 AM


    MaximusBongus, My Hero!
    Your install fix worked for me too! At control, alt, del I did NOT see
    "Java Run 2......" but I DID see "J2.... and then some incomprehensible code name" I took a chance, highlighted it and ended the task. Lo and behold the install completed! I have Limewire again (I had dutifully uninstalled the older version before downloading v1.6). I don't know why I'm so happy to have the Limewire interface back since they left me high and dry!
    MaximusBongus, 10. Limewire, 3.
  • 10-11-2010, 05:34 AM
    ωєєzу вαву..♥


    IT WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!
  • 10-10-2010, 08:41 PM
    Tyler M


    If you're having the installation problem that involves the Java install getting stuck, check out the solution posted by MaximusBongus. It worked for me!

    Thanks man!!!
  • 10-10-2010, 07:31 AM
    Dylan C


    I am running WinME. I had the same problem you had with the Java Run... stall/lock-up during installation with the new version of LimeWire. Here is my fix: What I did was download the new version after verifing that all LimeWire "tracks" were deleted from my computer (I used Norton). I then installed the newly downloaded .exe file for the new version of LimeWire. Go through the install process and when it locks up at the Java Run...(and it will), go to your control panel (NOTE: DO NOT STOP THE INSTALL PROCESS!) on the Window's Start button. Double Click the add/remove programs and verify that the "Java 2 Runtime Environment..." program is listed. IF (may or may not appear--if it doesn't do the install again after you restart your computer) it is listed cancel the add/remove programs window. Hopefully the "Java 2 Runtime..." is installed (it should be if it is listed). Now do a ctrl+alt+del (just once now!) and you will see the "Java 2 Runtime..." running. Select the "Java 2 Runtime..." and then select the End Task tab. The Window installer will then say that the LimeWire Install is complete! The possible problem here is that as you install the LimeWire program the Java 2... is installed first. I believe this causes a conflict with the Windows Installer program. Once the Java 2 progam is installed it begins to function--even before LimeWire is completely installed! So, in essence, stopping the Java 2 program from running while installing the new LimeWire version fixes your problem. Good Luck!
  • 10-10-2010, 06:43 AM


    We will be releasing the beta LimeWire 1.6c in the near future. The new version will have this problem fixed.

    When we release it, we will put a link on the LimeWire download page at:


    Thank you very much for your patience.
  • 10-09-2010, 06:37 PM
    Mrs. Five


    I am running windows 98se and and am having the same problem
  • 10-09-2010, 03:26 PM
    Tha Truth


    I am running the amazing Windows ME also....same thing....tried Java download.
  • 10-08-2010, 08:06 PM
    twilight fan11


    I am also running Windown ME and i get the same problem.
  • 10-08-2010, 02:52 PM


    Same thing happens to me....I have Window's ME....some people said that downloading that java 2 runtime file first and then installing limewire 1.6b would work....but it didn't work on my computer.......anyone figure out this problem yet?
  • 10-08-2010, 07:11 AM


    I have downloaded Limewire to a file. When I install this message comes up "This May take......... " And I can't get any farther with the installation. What's up?

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