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  • 06-11-2005, 04:13 AM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    I don't think there is anything wrong with not having premarital sex...
  • 06-06-2005, 07:15 AM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    no thanks...
  • 06-01-2005, 10:17 AM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    Go by the Holy Bible. It doesn't say women are subservient to men. It says the head of a woman is her husband and the head of her husband is Jesus. I would say if she isn't married then the head of her will be Jesus.
  • 05-27-2005, 01:20 PM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    You sound VERY confused.
  • 05-22-2005, 04:22 PM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    The Bible is not outdated it's eternal
  • 05-17-2005, 07:25 PM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    It has modernised in order to open up new revenue streams
  • 05-12-2005, 10:27 PM

    Doesn't Christianity have to reform in order to be more modern-culture oriented?

    I left Christianity a long time ago and for good reasons. I do not want to criticize all sects equally because some are definitely far more progressive than others. Yet I am still very critical of sects like Catholicism that embrace medieval beliefs about women, sex, and modern life. I am a modern educated woman and I will not tolerate views that condemn my lifestyle choices and stipulate that I have to be subservient to men. This friend I had, who is an Evangelical Born-Again Fundamentalist Christian, said that my lifestyle is not a blissful one and I should be more respectful of the institution of marriage and abstinence. I retorted that he was a prudish close-minded neanderthal and that I was actually living far more happily than him. I am 23 years old, started having sex when I was 16, and I have had about 21 boyfriends since then having been together with each for at least one month. I also enjoy one-night stands when I get my chances. I have been living a fantastic and hedonistic life and he has missed out and will continue to until he waits until his wedding night and by that time he will not be able to coagulate his penis (he will be 40 with ed). What I am proposing is a revamping of Christian orthodoxy in order that everyone can enjoy sensational lives and all in equal harmony. Sex should be viewed as a good thing, conducive to a healthy and long life, and something that anyone can perform at anytime with anyone they want to relieve stress and to feel good. We also need to demolish the institution of marriage and liberate women from artificial societal chains placed upon them by frowning and contemptuous clergy who have nothing better to do with their lives than tapering the gaiety of other people. No one should ever feel any anxiety about having sex and it should come glibly and from an excited and stimulated heart and body. People who disagree are supercilious totalitarian archaic naive theologians who have completely forgotten that condoms and modern technology have come to liberate women and let humanity share in unbounded and untethered sexual freedom.

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