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  • 12-06-2010, 06:30 PM

    Are You In A Band

    I always wondered what kind of band you were in Dave. I guess I know now. That's cool you opened for alexisonfire, you're so modest about stuff like that.

    I played bass in three banRAB before I joined the military.

    1st being A Safe Crisis. A post-hardcore/punk band in high school, we started off playing Thursday covers and went on to write some other originals. Never released a demo, played alot of small shows but nothing to speak of.

    2nd Band I was in was when I was about 19-20. 2 dudes from ASC and a couple new guys, we were called The Greenfield Spy. We played all originals and this is were I first experienced recording. Nothing too serious, we just did a couple songs to put online. We played alot of shows over the course of about 1 1/2 and then had to break up.

    3rd Band was a progreeive metal/ metal-core band called MurderInMind (I know I never liked that name either). This was bby far the bet band I was in, we played alot of huge shows, some small festivals, and even did a demo session. We opened for Gwen Stacy, Kingston Falls, and The Analyst among others. This is were I began to see what being in a travelling band could actually be like. Unfortunately, it didn't work out and I was forced to move on to something a little more responsible now. I can't wait to play again though. Hopefully I can get a band together out here sometime soon.
  • 12-06-2010, 04:45 AM

    Are You In A Band

    I'm in a hardcore/metalcore/deathcore band called Settling For Second Best.
    We are getting new songs up soon.
  • 12-05-2010, 10:13 PM
    friendly older kid

    Are You In A Band

    Dont advertise.
    I dont care how many posts you have.
    It belongs in the promotions forum.
  • 12-05-2010, 08:57 PM

    Are You In A Band

    Alraight that's it... www.emerald-sky.com Register on the forums and you'll get three free songs at: www.emerald-sky.com/forum
  • 12-05-2010, 07:18 PM

    Are You In A Band

    I'm in a nu-pornogrind band called *** Fighters. I play the skin flute.
  • 12-05-2010, 06:37 PM

    Are You In A Band

    I work/drive for/write for/book for/perform for a pseudo-progressive metal band out of Myrtle Beach, SC named Aftermath. I hear this name's already taken, but I've never heard of a reputable Aftermath from the past, so we seek to claim that name as our own.

    I take care of the lead vocals and all of the guitar as we're a 3-piece. Our influences mainly derive from the sounRAB that enter our brains through abstract and unknown means, but direct musical references to inspiration would include Tool, Mastodon, Psyopus, Between The Buried And Me, Gojira, Frank Zappa, Billy Cobham, Primus, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Car Borab, Opeth, Liquid Tension Experiment, Meshugga, etc... And not necessarily in that order.

    We're just doing our best to create something new and good. We're not out to be rock stars.

    I can't post the link to our page yet because I haven't posted enough o this site just yet, but if anyone's interested, the link is in my contact info.
  • 12-05-2010, 02:11 PM

    Are You In A Band

    I play bass for a band down at the Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine, i also played for The Max Rebo Band for a brief period of time when Jaba The Hutt kept me as one of his slaves.
  • 12-05-2010, 01:59 PM

    Are You In A Band

    www.eclectictheory.com then, go to the media sec and do the bottom video in yellow the guy has a voice like dave mathews, but they dont sound like them
  • 12-05-2010, 11:56 AM
    Blink 182 ❤

    Are You In A Band

    I used to be in a noise band for a bit. It was pretty fun. Whenever we played we left audiences covering their ears, or laughing their asses off.
  • 12-05-2010, 09:21 AM

    Are You In A Band

    I have a gibson too! They are gorgeous AND I HATE strats. They are too big for me(probably bacause I'm 15) I like Ibanez. It was my first guitar and then I swaped to an old CMI my dad had. I guess bacause it was my dad's I know the fretboard better than I know the back of my hand. And now I have a Gibson and I'm in love with it. All three guitars in just less than one year. I never knew how to play an instrument but now I play in a band, so yay! I'm really lucky that the band merabers are my sisters because they are always there to practise:love:
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