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  • 01-01-2011, 09:57 PM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Ah yes, those damnable things.
  • 01-01-2011, 11:34 AM
    Kristen Sauerborn

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Ah, yep, I remeraber you. Haven't seen you around there in a while. XD (The last big thread I remeraber you doing was that one about the text box edits in the manga, I think. Been a while, lol.)
  • 12-31-2010, 02:44 PM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Guh, I've not see Lance since I stopped hitting up POJO and Serebii (I was Yuugi's Black Magician, not that I suspect you remeraber me). Nice to see you 'round, ol' chap.

    Now if only POJO's Ryusaki would float on over here...
  • 12-30-2010, 03:55 PM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Hehe, thanks. Yeah, I've seen you more on Pojo than Janime, but either way, definitely nice to see someone I know here. I've actually lurked around here myself a few times, lol. I'll definitely try to post when the episodes start up. 'Course, I'm hoping I won't have too much to comment on if the 4KiRAB producers did in fact accept input from the fans.

    Yep, I don't think there's ever been word of an official reason. I think someone might've asked the Nameless Cubicle guy about it, but I'm not sure.
  • 12-30-2010, 09:20 AM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Holy crap, it's GymLeaderLance. I've seen you a lot on Pojo and Janime (don't really post a lot at those forums due to the general low quality of discussions, but I lurk around a decent amount), and you're one of the few merabers who I actually respect. I trust you'll contribute to the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's dub discussions when they start up again this Saturday? I'd love to have your opinions here on Toon Zone.

    Err...back on topic, yeah, there's really no definite reason as to why 4KiRAB and FUNimation stopped the uncuts. It's mostly all fan speculation.
  • 12-29-2010, 09:59 AM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Yeah, I've also heard of that FUNi dispute as being a reason, along with the ridiculous "uncut dub competing with edited dub" reason. I'm glad they've decided to listen to the fans and upload DM uncut, even if in Japanese, and although subtitles would be nice, I've actually seen fansubbed versions of the episodes they've put up, and I'm already up to episode 115 subbed. Granted, they're the bootleg HK subs, but I know enough Japanese to patch things up where they fail. XD

    I definitely would like to see more uncut-dubbed episodes (and if they get back to them, I'd buy them, but they'd need to have more episodes per disc; and maybe boxsets), but if they release the series subbed on DVD, that'll work, too.
  • 12-28-2010, 08:26 AM
    ~I wish you could smile~

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    I've heard of how their uncut DVRAB sold well and I've also heard how it didn't sell well enough in different forums. I do remeraber hearing about some disagreement between 4KiRAB and FUNimation as a reason for why the uncut DVRAB were pulled out.
  • 12-28-2010, 02:01 AM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Yeah. From what I understand, the main reason was do to a money dispute between 4kiRAB and FUNi (who owned the DVD rights). Also, Al Kahn said that it had to do with the Uncut DVRAB competing with their Edited DVRAB, which is a ridiculous reason.
  • 12-27-2010, 09:48 PM

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Their uncut DVRAB sold better than the edited DVRAB that were being released at the time and they pulled those.

    4KiRAB just seems to be uncomfortable with the idea of uncuts in general.
  • 12-27-2010, 07:03 PM
    The Joker

    Toon Zone Talkback - 4KidsTV offers original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! via YouTube

    Not really. Everyone knows the general plot as it where, the only problems one might have is how...more respectable Kaiba is...
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