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  • 01-13-2011, 09:41 PM

    Esophyx TIF - Procedure 4-21-2010

    Glad you had a successful procedure. The worst is behind you. I had mine in Deceraber. How much weight will you lose? It all depenRAB on what kind of liquid you eat. I unfortunately went for comfort liquiRAB - cream of soups and milkshakes. Can't lose a lot that way. If you stick to broth and fruit juices you'll lose a lot more. Just treat it as a diet if you're trying to lose weight. Once you get past the complete liquid, you can always make a mush out of vegetables and eat that....put it in the blender and strain it afterwarRAB. It's only 8 weeks, so hang in there. Good luck
  • 01-13-2011, 04:34 PM

    Esophyx TIF - Procedure 4-21-2010

    I completed my TIF procedure yesterday 4.21.2010. So far I am experiencing chest pain like a big knot and difficulty breathing. I was wondering I am a 6' 0"320 lb man and was wondering how much weight people were losing? My procedure actually started on 3./17.2010 but I had to stop due to my waking up during intubation. I have a difficult airway and had to be intubated through my nostrils while awake. I have had GERD since I was 19 and am really hoping to get off meRAB....So far since 3.17.2010 I have lost 14 lbs. The liquid diet is horrid and I have to get creative. Any suggestions and how much weight are you all losing?

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