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  • 06-13-2011, 09:57 PM

    Crash 2.9 released.

    Hi PTL,

    I agree with the overall sentiments and logging in pro is great. In my experience, however, it does miss a lot of resets, maybe even up to half of them but still a great app...

    ps bet you wont post a screen shot...!!!
  • 06-13-2011, 05:47 AM

    Crash 2.9 released.

    This is one of those 64k "cute apps" that is SO MUCH MORE THAN CUTE - it's pretty bulletproof and misses resets VERY RARELY. I have had some mixed results with JackFlash loaded apps, but that's not this app's fault.

    In fact, I have it running in flash - and it's great. Well said kimh. It is a NEEDED freeware application but I would suggest purchasing the Pro to get the logging. I also have a great "crash" screen of REALLY NICE, er, feminine attributes so to speak - hell of a lot better than a striped sign!!! Fatal Alert ON, lads!!!
  • 06-12-2011, 06:56 PM

    Crash 2.9 released.

    A very handy tool for any Palm owner...IMHO.

    And it's free

    Application Description:
    You remember these nifty dialogs saying "Fatal Exception" or "DataMgr.c, Line 1234, Null pointer passed" with a nice looking "Reset" button at the bottom? Especially when testing a lot of new programs, you can get these dialogs rather often. Many times you can't even tap on the "Reset" button but have to do a paper-clip reset, which is very annoying if you have to do this more than once in a while.

    Now "Crash" does this work for you. It does prevent your Palm from displaying the dialog but displays its own screen which hopefully looks somewhat better. After some seconds "Crash" will make a reset. So in case of a crash of your Palm, you just have to wait some seconds and can continue to work without having to poke your Palm in the back. This is especially useful for users who have their Palm in a case and don't want to take it out everytime it crashes.

    In addition to Crash, there is now also Crash Pro with additional features like selectable images, a tool to create your own images, more customizable timeout and logging crashes.


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