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  • 06-23-2011, 05:06 PM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    I wonder if there would be a backlash against laser guns in cartoons if a person was hurt or even killed from a laser gun shot (has that ever happened? Not counting Transformers the movie).
  • 06-22-2011, 04:35 PM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    It's all a matter of what each network's basic standards and practices are. Some channels will allow real guns, others won't. Some will allow the use of the word "dead" or "kill" and others won't.
  • 06-22-2011, 04:05 AM
    No Cats Without Whiskers

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    Wolverine and the X-men only had laser guns.

    How do they decide which cartoons get's to have real guns and which only get's to have "futuristic" ones anyway?
  • 06-21-2011, 07:50 PM
    pop l

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    SSM had varying degrees of guns, some more realistic than others, but the censors had a problem with the sound not the look of the guns so they all had a lasery sound to them in the show but still looked like guns. There was also silenced guns that looked and sounded like silenced guns (well the TV/film version of silenced).

    I can't remember enough about WatXM to say about that though.
  • 06-20-2011, 07:12 PM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    It happened in Batman: The Brave and The Bold "Journey to the Center of the Bat!". I specifically remember because I wasn't expecting it in that kind of show. By now I've learnt not to waste time with preconceived notions with that show, since they've proven that practically anything can happen. Young Justice &Generator Rex also have realistic guns that fire real ammunition. Both of those are rated PG though, but they are aimed towards kids.

    Neither of those had realistic guns. SSM had guns that fired small balls with spikes on them, and WatXM had your standard laser gun.
  • 06-20-2011, 05:04 PM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    I'm pretty sure there were actual guns in Spectacular Spider-Man and Wolverine & The X-Men.
  • 06-20-2011, 09:42 AM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    Most recent episode of Sym-Bionic Titan. When Lance and Ilana broke into the military base, the men used guns on them.

    I think some Justice League and TMNT '03 episodes had guns in them.
  • 06-20-2011, 05:06 AM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    There's also the episode where Spongebob and Mr. Krabs think they murdered the health inspector and try to bury his (not really dead) body.

    That doesn't hold a candle to, say, Ren and Stimpy's "The Lord Loves a Hangin'" or Rocko's "Chokey Chicken" restaurants, but that's still pushing the envelope quite a bit.

    Oh, and cartoons like Darkwing Duck and The Powerpuff Girls had characters (mostly villians) that not only brandished guns, but guns that fired real ammunition and not lasers. When was the last time THAT happened in a non-adult cartoon?
  • 06-19-2011, 08:17 AM

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    I don't think cartoons are any more or less risque today as they were in the 90's. they still have their little jokes and innuendo and gross scenes. Considering how people always compare old and new cartoons it might just be because you have a bias against newer cartoons or you probably aren't watching them. I've seen tons of comments on other sites about how new cartoons are too "kiddy" and all of their examples can be found in older cartoons as well.

    I thought that was because Nick (and society) felt that panty raids weren't a big deal. Now that i think about it how did they get away with that? LOL.
  • 06-18-2011, 09:28 PM
    on the road again

    Has the cartoon industry gone more "kid-friendly"?

    It was his mom's house.
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