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  • 09-16-2011, 09:00 AM
    Lauren R

    What are some good/fun/entertaining apps for the iPad 2?

    I just received an iPad 2 today. It has WiFi built in and is 16 GB.
    Below is some of my background information. I included it so you would have a better idea of what kind of person I am so maybe you can suggest some apps based on my interests.
    1. I'm a 22 year old female.
    2. I'm in college right now and my major is nursing.
    3. I enjoy watching tv and movies, especially comedy and drama.
    4. I also enjoy reading, playing games (board and video games), nature, anything medical, and shopping.
    5. I'm engaged (so if you know a cool wedding app, that would be great).
    6. I don't have any children.
    7. I'm really girly.
    I would really like to find a medical/anatomy app, a movie or tv app, or some really fun games. I would prefer apps that are free, but if you know a great app that isn't free but worth the money, that would be great as well. Please be respectful.
    Thank you all in advance!

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