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  • 09-20-2011, 09:00 AM

    Best Cell phone company for price?

    So I have a basic non-smart phone for verizon right now. Which my parents pay for cause were on some family plan. And eventually i will have to start paying for my own phone service, especially if i ever want to get a smartphone. My parents are adamant about not spending more for cell phones, which is reasonable, Verizon is incredibly expensive for a data package which is like $40 bucks for 2gigs of data, which is bs.
    I was looking into Virgin Mobile and they have this nice looking motorola triumph phone which gets good reviews, not certainly its not as superpowered as the phones that can be found on At&t or verizon, but its not bad either. It also has android which is excellent. And after buying the phone, its like $35 a month for unlimited internet and text and whatever. and 300 minutes of calling, which is chill cause I dont make any mroe than maybe one or two calls a day.
    But seriously, $35 is cheap cheap cheap! I could afford that now as a high schooler with my way lesser job. Its a big phone too, i dont like cramped phones.

    Basically to wrap up, whats the best phone for the price and what company? I want a smartphone, price needs to be worth it, needs to be Android, and Coverage is always better, i do understand that virgin has lesser coverage cause its just using Sprints network.

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