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  • 02-05-2012, 05:11 PM
    Crystal Rayne

    How can I properly take care of crickets?

    I have two Fire Belly Toads and they eat mainly crickets, so I need to find out how to properly care for crickets. I buy my crickets at Wal-Mart and they give you about 75 crickets at a time. Currently, I keep my crickets in a medium sized small pet cage. I feel like that is not enough room and I read that overcrowding can kill them.

    So I need to know:
    What do I feed them? The guy at Wal-Mart said they'll eat cornmeal. I feed them fish flakes and vegetables. Do they eat cornmeal?

    How can I make sure they won't die? Many of them die before I can give them to my frogs. I also given them water on a sponge.

    How can I properly house the crickets to make sure they stay alive? Do I need to put any type of bedding like soil in their container or what?

    Any help is appreciated. Experience with crickets is even better. Thank you.

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