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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 04-06-2012, 05:00 AM

    What can you say that is positive about the Legislated Omnibus "Tough on Crime Bill C-10"?

    I've been trying to research and find sources that prove this bill has a positive effect for our country (Canada). So far not much in the way of positive words for this bill, except for what I find on the Conservative Party of Canada webpage.

    What would you say, other than "taking criminals off the streets and protecting communities," is a benefit or at least an intention of these 9 amendments?


    The bill is a bit misleading because it says it will reduce crime although proven to have the opposite effect based on more sources than just the Canadian Crime Justice Association (CCJA). CCJA outlines each issue with each amendment. Although there isn't much we can do about the bill now that is has reached Royal Assent...

    The only benefit I was able to find was that it creates more jobs, for instance, mandatory minimum sentences will increase the amount of people in jail and the amount of time they spend there. So as a result we will need more prisons to be built and of course they will require labourers.

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