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  • 06-14-2012, 06:45 AM
    Nefertiti K

    If you have proficiency in both Indonesian and English language, can you help me with a poetry translation?

    An aid will be very appreciated (five stars!), especially if you really are an expert

    This poem originally was written in my native tongue and I try to translate it, you can read the original writing here (preferably opened in a new tab) http://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AinvIkggED9c5qxFL0B_BTOPZXRG;_ylv=3?qid =20120329040114AAYi7wf

    I just want to know if it is a correct translation and I hope you can improve the stuff about the rhyme, I know the translation lacks beauty! Thanks Oh, one more thing, pay attention to the technique of enjambment (breaking of a clause or phrase into two parts or between verses)


    This quiescence knows no end
    Waiting in an acceptance
    You're the universe, I'm the prejudice

    This heart always pretend
    An understanding in a longing
    You're hiding, I remain in the silence

    The words are blocked, the feelings stay
    Deep down, far away in the darkness of a secret
    The request is delayed, the hope has been dismissed
    Your eyes have too much experience to say

    A desire has to be forgotten, my mind
    Used to rely on so small an expectancy
    A thought needs to leave, my soul
    Realizes a journey longer than the coast

    No reply, not even a glance
    Nothing is uttered, nothing is asked
    Just a shiver and rigidity
    Just a doubt without an edge

    Just a refusal without a chance!

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