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What is the number after 87?


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  • 11-02-2012, 11:20 AM

    Is it wrong to ask members of the church to give $500 to buy the Pastor a Cadillac Escalade SUV?

    I've been feeling a little down about this issue! My church bought our Pastor a brand new Cadillac Escalade SUV for his 50th birthday! FINE!! But, we were all asked to give $500.00 to make this happen. This just doesn't sit well with me. He drives a Lexus, makes great money by working full time aside from the church. Some people are struggling to even pay their tithes let alone give $500 to buy the Pastor an expensive SUV as such. Don't get me wrong! He is an awesome man of God! But to put a specific amount out their like that turns me off! Of course some are well off that they can give that amount. But what about the ones who desire to but just can''t? You are suppose to give from the heart! Not feel pressured to give.
    My family and I found this to be out of sorts so we haven't returned to the church. But we have rode by and seen it at the church. We have been experiencing financial woes so this was definitely something we prayed to God for. To ask if it was simply us saying its wrong because we couldn't give the $500 or because it was just something that they shouldn;t have done.

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