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  • 01-19-2013, 12:35 PM

    How to keep the unlimited data plan on Verizon when switching to the Iphone 5?

    My mom & I share a family plan on verizon & I have a smartphone(HTC Thunderbolt), she has a non-smartphone because she only needs calling. I've been eligible for an upgrade for a couple of months now. I have no problem not upgrading to another phone, but recently I dropped my phone and the screen cracked badly. My mom kindly suggested that I get myself the new iphone 5. I was doing some research on the cost and I found out that if I were to upgrade, I wouldn't be able to keep the unlimited data plan I have on my smartphone. I don't use a lot of data, but the most I've used is 11GB. I do want to keep the unlimited data plan to be on the safe side, but it sucks they got rid of it now. I read while googling away, searching for options, and I found that I can give my upgrade to my mom's phone and have her get the Iphone 5 at the discounted price of $199,99 and get the 2GB data plan. Then when we physically have the phone, call Verizon and have them switch the iphone to my line and cancel the 2 GB data plan. Does anyone know if this is still possible? Or have any suggestions.

    Thanks =)

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