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  • 10-22-2013, 08:30 AM
    Blogging is a good way of jotting down our ideas....this can be done as a hobby or we can monetize the blog and earn through it.It establishes an online identity.There are many free platforms to start a blog like Blogger.com,Wordpress etc.They help you to create a blog very easily and provide you enough space to post your thoughts.Keep posting and updating your blogs to attract readers...make it topic specific and blog clearly and with the correct information.Do not mislead your readers.It can either be Technical,Science, or any category as such.If it is related to the recent trend then chances are there that you may get more traffic.When you get a free blog service you possess only a subdomain (abc.blogspot.com) and there are chances that this might affect the pagerank as Google considers the domain name as one of the factor for page rank.

    There are also some paid service like the Quick Blogcast service from XnYnZ.com wherein they facilitate you to blog,podcast at any time,post photos,animations,get feedback from visitors..Also..you can avoid unwanted advertisements if you choose the paid blogging tool.You can get a domain name of your own and get the necessary SEO service.They also let you increase the pagerank with their Search Engine Visibility service.As always the paid service always has a professional touch and also is more liberal in the advanced features.

    So if you want a professional blog you can avail a paid blogging tool; if not you can go for a free service.
  • 06-04-2010, 11:03 AM

    Whats the purpose of writing blog?

    whats the benefit of writing blog? where I can write blog?

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