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  • 07-23-2009, 10:37 PM
    chuck wheels
    your legs say 19" but your height says 17". The 19" may be a bit of a stretch in the top tube length, but running a 17" will mean a lot of seatpost out, a tough one to call. You realy do need to 'try before you buy' or at least sit on them. Did yyou measure your inside leg without shoes on, sorry to ask but you'd be suprised how many people make this mistake.
    If your measurements are correct then it may come down to riding style/preference; if you want to pound out the miles in the saddle then go for 19", if you want to ride more technical terrain and 'muck about' more then go for the the 17". Hope this helps but I would recommend trying them out before buying, it may well prevent a costly error and will be worth the efffort in the long run. Good luck and enjoy.
  • 07-23-2009, 10:36 PM
    For a mountain bike, the usual method of choosing frame size is to deduct 12" from your inside leg measurement, so this would give 20", so the 19" frame would be best for you
  • 07-23-2009, 10:35 PM
    Bob A
    You want a frame that is 59% of you inseam and 2-4 inches of stand over clearance. I would go with the 19" frame.
  • 07-23-2009, 10:34 PM
    I would go for the 17" as you can always lift or lower the seat stem, normally a lot of us prefer that rather than being to high...It's sort of a personal choice as it depends on how you like to ride, if it's pro or just recreational or even commute, Think about it
  • 07-23-2009, 10:34 PM

    I am looking to buy an Orange G2 mountain bike but can't decide what size to buy!?

    Thing is, I'm buying online and there's no stockist on the Island I live on so I can't try out the various sizes!

    Anyway, I'm 5ft 9" with an inside leg measurement of 32"

    Should I go for the 17" or 19" frame???

    Any ideas?

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