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  • 11-06-2007, 08:37 PM
    I'm having a hard time understanding why you'd get a pup then leave him outside. And getting a pup not to pee and poop in the house is called house training, which requires time, patience and effort. I can't decide if this question is from a child or an adult who doesn't have a clue.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:15 PM
    Thats horrible! Poor little puppy! First of all, the puppy was most likely weaned a few days ago and is scared. Even if he was outside he is in a new place without his mom, dad and siblings. No dog should EVER live outside all day. No matter how big your yard is. Keep him inside at least until he is used to your family and when you do take him outside, stay out with him and walk him around on a leash a few minutes every day.

    Putting him in a room is also wrong. Buy a large crate and train him to go in it at night. Give him treats and lock him in it at night next to your bed. Put a blankie in their and (this sounds silly but it works) a piece of clothing that smells like you so he associates your scent as comfort. Get one of those clocks that ticks, put it under a blanket and it will comfort him. It is like the beating of his mommy's heart. Crate training is also useful for potty training. Keep him in an enclosed area like a kitchen with baby gates up where he will be in the center of the family and you can also supervise him. Keep the crate with him everywhere and alsways leave it open. After he gets to be a few months older, you can start to leave him outside for short amounts of time, with him then without him. Then, you can leave him alone almost all day. If you work then I wonder why you got a puppy and not an older dog because puppys need constant supervision.

    Also, never leave any dog, especially a puppy, in the rain. Younger ones have weaker immune systems and will get sick. When you are home, make sure your puppy is with you almost all the time and not outside. When he gets older you can walk him and teach him the basic commands.

    Obviosly you did not really reaserch getting a puppy and jumped into a purchase. I would reccomend getting a book about puppies and then decide if you are responsible enough.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:07 PM
    Again why have a pet if its to be kept outside? He just needs basic potty training. Hes a baby and it will take time. Accidents are normal, take him out to potty about a half hour after feeding, after his nap, and after playing with him. Praise him when he goes outside. When no one is home crate him.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:05 PM
    Dogs are pack animals and need to be part of the family and that's where he wants to be is with a family. Even when you brought him in you had shut him in a room by himself. He probably very scared and needs love and attention. Please do not force him to stay outside.
    Are you wanting him to stay outside to be a watchdog??? Because if so, what good is the dog going to do be outside, especially if someone comes in though the opposite side of your house where he kept.
    Just because he has been outside since he was a puppy doesn't mean he has to stay that way, bring him in, housebreak him and let him be part of your pack..

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:05 PM
    Either make a commitment to house training and crate training this puppy OR find it a new home.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:04 PM
    Graham M
    It is rather cold at present, what I would do is get him his own bed and start by letting him sleep in the wash-house, then gradually move it a little at a time out towards the door, then out on the porch, then outside in the back yard, if that does'nt work, give him an item that either you, your husband or the children wear that has your scent on it and place it into his bed so he can sense one of the family is around him, plus give him his own toys and a soft cuddly toy, so that he feels as though he has one of his brothers or sisters lying beside him.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:01 PM
    Maybe you could try the pup in a dog cage/crate if you don't want him roaming the house, they are great for training and also help the dog feel secure, you could also put an item of your clothing and a ticking clock in his bed, to give him a comforting smell and the ticking clock can give him a sense of security as it can mimick the heart beat of a companion. Staffies can be quite stubborn, so brace yourself! Our boxer was 7weeks old and yelped and barked for two weeks and he was only in the next room to us! Just be kind but firm and consistent, good luck!

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:00 PM
    Why would you get a puppy just to leave it outside?? All you did basically is take him away from his family outside, and put him in an outside with out his family or his new one. If you just wanted an outside dog, maybe you should have adopted an adult dog from a shelter, and let the puppy go to a family that will nurture it in his early stages of life. I'm not saying that what you are doing is cruel, just a bit inconsiderate. At least you are trying to eliviate the problem, for which I commend you. I suggest letting him be an inside dog, until he's old enough to start letting him be outside by himself.

    Bottom line, think of how you would feel if you were the puppy, and maybe you'll understand more why its so sad. It makes me sad just thinking about it.

    Also if you want to fix the pooing and peeing problem, all you have to do is crate train him. Its pretty simple, Im in the process of doing that with my new puppy now.

    I listed some sites for you to research crate training. Remember the crate should only be big enough for the pup to stand up, lay down, and turn around.

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  • 11-06-2007, 08:00 PM
    On the Radio Uh Oh
    Why are you making any dog, especially a PUPPY, stay outside? That's cruel and unsafe. Why did you even get a dog just to make him a lawn ornament?

    Dogs are social/pack animals and prefer being with a FAMILY. How to make him less lonely? Bring him inside and let him be with you... his family. Obviously he's not happy outside! Or I guess you can sleep outside... see how you like it (and how long you whine).

    Why would you get a dog if you aren't willing to make him a part of the family and give him the love, attention, and care that he obviously craves?! That's just cruel of you.

    I say give him to a new home of people who will actually care about him, his feelings, and give him the love and respect that he deserves. You have no business owning a dog (it's one thing to think "dogs belong outside and like it", which I don't agree with, but still genuinely care about the dog. It's another to realise the dog HATES being outside and still forcing him to stay outside).

    EDIT: You stop him from using the bathroom inside by housebreaking him, as everyone must do with their dog. It's not difficult or uncommon. As for your landlord's policy... then why get a dog at all? That's very irresponsible of you. Especially at 14 weeks... he's a baby. Would you leave a 3-5 year old child outside alone 24/7? Because that's what he's the equivalent to!!!

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  • 11-06-2007, 07:59 PM
    Stephanie Loves Sam
    honestly my advice is to find the dog a new home where he will be allowed to live indoors. dogs r meant to be inside animals. inside with the family dogs r pack animals and need to be inside with the family if u cant provide a home where it can be with the family then y did u even buy the dog. do me a favor. go outside and just live outside one night in the cold and rain with no one else around. no cell phones no internet just u outside in a stupid dog shelter. see how lonely u get and how cold u get. then u will know what that dog is feeling and u will know what that dog needs. if he cant live inside then just get rid of him

    EDIT: not to mention u let the dog sleep with u in the house one night. then u threw it outside by itself with no company. get rid of the dog. u obviously cant provide a proper home for it.

    EDIT: u cant just buy a dog and expect it to be already house trained. it doesnt work like that. u also cant just snap ur fingers and expect it to be trained. u need to work at it. dogs need to be trained. u need to crate train it. buy an indoor kennel and then whenever u cant watch it or u arent home the dog is in the crate. u take it out at least every hour to go potty give it 15 minutes or so to sniff around and go potty. when it does u praise it like heck and take it back inside and put it in the kennel.when he is out u watch him like a hawk. when he goes inside the house u say NO then say OUTSIDE and put him outside then u clean it up quickly and efficiently. eventually he will get the idea but patience is the key. and remember u cant buy a dog and expect it to be trained already

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