What does this say about the nation?http://sas-origin.onstreammedia.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/lvtmmfl19eqfl0cpgxojzw.gifThe gallup poll shows that those who are more educated, are much less likely to believe in creation and much more likely to believe in evolution.Does this mean that the public education system in the US is failing? Especially since evangelicalism (Christian fundamentalism) in the US has increased by 6% in the past 8 years?http://sas-origin.onstreammedia.com/origin/gallupinc/GallupSpaces/Production/Cms/POLL/8lq5cexcd0gqh3ld9p6q9q.gifThose with only a high school education are more likely to not even know what scientific theory is associated with Darwin.Do you think the US needs to overhaul its public education system? The rest of the western world is becoming more secular/non-religious while the US is becoming more religious.How can you say that creation (which is the belief that a God created people 6000 years ago) has nothing to do with religion?Gravity is also just a theory.Evolution has mountains worth of evidence. Saying it's untrue just because it's a "theory" is asinine.Practicial Trig Help 101: http://www.gallup.com/poll/114544/Darwin-Birthday-Believe-Evolution.aspxHow do you not know about Gallup? It has been around for well over 50 years."do you really believe in evolution or just adaptation. Most people including Darwin himself believed in adaptation not some crazy complete overhaul of a species into another. Darwin's belief was twisted by you guessed it the politicians of his time to say what it does now. By his death he didn't even believe what everyone was saying he taught. I believe in Creationism as i am a Christian. But i believe God created us to be able to adapt to our situation."Buddy, you have no idea what you're talking about. Darwin didn't believe in evolution? What a joke. You should only answer a question if you know what you're talking about."ow could you actually say that the government has been taken over by religious people when the country was founded by religious people. If anything the country has been moving away from the morals the church has set forth for us to live by. Call me biased but i see how much better things are now (said sarcastically)."Most of the founding fathers were Deists, not Christians. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin are the more well known ones.The US was not originally a "Christian" nation. The US didn't become a "Christian" nation until the late 19th century.