Well Im at it again.
Im tired of hearing how "99% of what's played on the radio is southern garbage"...OK everyone realizes that. Either shoot the DJ or stop gettin a bunch in your panties. Technology is your friend which is why I own an iPod. I can play whatever I want whenever I want; not some wack DJ who plays the same wack song 8 times an hour. Im not saying you necessarily have to own an iPod, but you catch my drift. The worst way to kill someones 15 minutes of fame is by giving it to them.
Who cares if your favorite artist doesnt bust platinum? Is he/she buying your graduation gift? I doubt it. So why the f**k does it matter? If everyone cant see how great they are, its their loss.
To those who say "the music is corrupting our childrens minds", put it this way: If rap songs are determining the outcome of your childs future, youre doing sh!t of a job as a parent.
And PLEASE stop talking about how EVERY rapper from the south is wack. Wack rappers come from all over.
Thank You
Damn y'all boostin my head up...
I don't really have a blog, but I figured I can come on here occasionally and type my little fingers away.
I think I should take up journalism...
If you don't have an IQ of over 100, please don't post an answer. You'll only make yourself look MORE stupid. You ("Rockstar") CLEARLY didn't understand my intentions for this question/rant. I don't give a f**k what you listen to; radio, iPod, 8 track, I don't care. I'm talking about the people that complain about everything on the radio being garbage. If that's so, why listen to it? Because they want something to b!tch about.
By the way, I use the internet to keep up with new music. If you have to listen to the same songs over and over again on your iPod, I can imagine you have no diversity in your style. Doesn't the radio do the same thing anyway? They play a new song in rotation 24 hours for a week and the next song comes and the cycle starts over again. It's a never ending cycle of stupidity.
As far as me not having a life, that's a pretty bold assumption to make, seeing as the only thing you know about me is that I DON'T keep my ears glued to a radio all day...Go figure...

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