OMGS!! I love Jareth and Sarah!! i have the labyrinth soundtrack on my iPod an dI listen to David bowie sing as much as I can... lol!!

I started to write a fanfic for them where Sarah is older and Jareth comes to her. Here is the beginning of it:

Jareth stood outside of Sarah's house in the pouring rain just watching the lights turn off one by one. He knew that Sarah was there or else he wouldn't be watching her house. The rain beat down on him soaking through his clothes and causing his hair to fall into his eyes. Jareth just wanted to see Sarah. The love he felt for her had not died since he had headed her call to take her baby brother. Every day he fought against the urge to come to her. A single thought prevented him from coming to her until this moment. 'What if she still hates me?' The thought prayed on his mind. Why he cared what the girl thought of him was beyond his comprehension. Instead it was what the woman she had become that now held his attention. But Jareth knew he needed to come to her. Her very existence was being threatened by others like him from the Underground who sought to possess her for what she was. He wasn't sure if even Sarah knew who she truly was. There hadn't been time to gather much information about her heritage. All Jareth knew was that he had to get to her. Whether she would allow him to protect her was anyone's guess.

Sarah looked out the window and saw the one person she thought that she would never see again; Jareth. He just stood in the pouring down rain staring at the house. She thought that he could see her through the darkness of the living room. Sarah was scared to move. Any movement my draw his gaze to her exact position. 'What is he doing here?' Sarah thought as she slowly sank down on the couch under the window to watch him as he continued to let the rain pound on him. Sarah could barely make out his form but what she could see still looked as glorious as he had been when she was a child. She had resisted saying his name for fear of him suddenly appearing. 'Jareth' the name whispered though her mind and a rush of emotion course through her body. Every time a stray thought happened upon Jareth a shudder ran through her. She made up her mind. Sarah would bring Jareth into her home against her better judgment. 'I hope I know what I am doing.' She thought and made her way to the front door.

Jareth watched as Sarah came out the front door in shorts and a black t-shirt that barely came to the waist band of the shorts. Down the steps she ran to him on bare feet and tugged him up the steps and under the covering of the porch. "Have you lost your mind?" Sarah shouted over the thundering of the rain.

"I needed to see you." Jareth whispered half ashamed to admit such a need to her. Sarah huffed out a sigh and pulled him into the house.