Oppression of the minorities happens at the hands of the godless heathens who teach black kids they're nothing more than slightly evolved monkeys, and the liberal politicians who tell them they just need to breed and get on welfare. It is God who says we are all created equal. Man says we are "evolved", and the implied evidence clearly shows some of us are more evolved than others. The slave caste of today is a creation of big government and godlessness. If you don't think there's going to be hell to pay for this creation, you're blind. When the slave caste realizes they've been duped by the Obamanation, what do you think is going to happen?

I think most of the "Sunday Christians" are quite happy with the left/right paradigm, just like the liberals. Those of us with faith in God and a wish to return to our nation's roots are more inclined to want a return to limited federal government, not simply a reversion to some "olde timey ways."