I stumbled across this website because I searched 'nude beach' and a photo of a fully naked girl 7-9 years old popped up-I was shocked to see it and went to the website to read what they had to say about themselves as a website. After reading their website and reading a mess of other stuff on the legality of it all- I do understand that it is in fact legal because they are naturists and the content is not of a sexual nature (in their opinion-but what about the opinion of pedophiles-which I think should be of concern). It's hard for me to believe that the site is all about family nudism and such though when nearly 95% (so it seems) of the photos on the website contain full frontal photos of girls only (average age 7-16 maybe). There are male and femal adults as well as children of both sexes-but it seems that the vast majority of the photos on the website are of pre-teen girls and only a miniscule amount are of adults and boys. And by vast majority-I mean enough to seem that the website is almost strictly about pre-teen female nudists. They also sell videos of these girls in nude pageant contests. Again-I understand that naturism is a lifestyle. I do NOT understand the reasoning behind the site being predominantly (seemingly under 18) young female based. And I do NOT understand the reasoning behind offering "Free 'Young Teen Jr Pageant Contest'" DVD's to anyone who wants to get their hands on one (cough cough-aside from naturists-and naturists to be-I think the only other people who'd be interested would be pedophiles). It seems a bit geared towards pedophiles to me. What is sexual explicit to a pedophile? A naked child/pre-teen playing on the beach? What's non-sexual to some is probably seen differently to a pedophile. In that case-who's to say that it's not sexually explicit? Sexually explicit to who? Naturists or pedophiles? If the site wasn't so focused on what I mentioned above then I don't guess I would see it that way-to each their own-BUT considering the vast majority of the content-it's not looking as though they are geared towards 'family friendly naturist' kind of stuff. Just my opinion-does anyone else feel that this is a problem?