I have posted a question about mPortal setting at: HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource > General Mobile Discussion > General Questions > Ask the Experts and when I got no response there, I posted a similar question under HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource > General Mobile Discussion > General Questions.

I have not gotten an answer either place. :sad:

The changes that I can see are:

  • No widgets on the main screen.

  • Large font clock on the main screen.

  • Mail Icon key on the qwerty brings up messaging menu instead of email program.

  • Down key on the qwerty brings up browser.

I only used two of the widgets. I would check the weather and access facebook. I made a bookmark to facebook and if I need to know the weather right now, I can step outside. Everything else, I can access easily through the browser.

I like having a clock that I can see so I have left the mPortal turned off.

My question: What have I done? I am a noob with a miniscule amount of knowledge. I am just lucky that I didn't do irreparable damage to my phone with my shenanigans. Are there other ramifications to turning mPortal off? Will I live to regret this?
