So I know we've tossed the idea around of having mixtapes asserabled by merabers, music suggestions,etc. Here's a twist though and as long as I can do it, I think we go for it.

  1. Once per month I need 1 song from any genre, that is your recommendation as song of the month
  2. Post the Artist, Song, Album info in this thread
  3. Once the month is over, I will begin locating all songs & compiling them for a zipped download
  4. Once I'm done, i'll post the link as a separate thread (ex. Dec 2011 SOrab Playlist)
  5. I'd like to try and include the name of the meraber that suggested the song in the title of the song
  6. In order to participate you must have: minimum of 200 posts, 3 months on SOrab and positive rep
  7. Please take your time on song choices and do not change your submission after it's posted for the month
  8. In the event I cannot locate the song, please make sure you have a copy to provide me via email, ftp,etc

So before we start, do you guys think this could work and/or does it sound interesting?