I personally think Hand-Drawn has a more raw and real and vibrant feel to it. It's not robotic. You can definatley see a difference in the movements of computer-created animation and hand-drawn.

I suppose animators found CGI to be so much faster, cheaper to make, and easier to put together than hand-drawn animation, but nothing can compete with old hand-drawn classics like The Lion King, Hercules, Mulan, Snow White, We're Back, Aladdin, The Aristocats and many, many others.

Don't get me wrong, Pixar makes some realllllly awesome movies, but I feel like that's about it, and the reason is because they spend so much time, money and effort to give their movies the right feel.
I feel like if animators decided to go back to hand-drawing, they'd have much more success. There's just something soooo much more appealing about hand-drawn animation because it has that movement and bounce of a traditional 'cartoon'.

What do you think? Would you rather see more new CGI movies or Hand-animated??

Thank you so much !