My name is Sam and I am a 17 year old guy. When I was younger my parents would always bug me to brush my teeth, and I did, but I doubt I did it enough, like most young kids. Around the age of 14 or so I became more and more lazy with brushing my teeth, and now I do it rarely. Maybe twice a week, and I am well aware of how disgusting that is. Well, I finally realized how stupid I've been for neglecting my teeth, and I've decided to take immediate action to fix them. I don't know if I have cavities, or some type of oral disease or condition, but either way I'm going to see a dentist and tell them everything I just said, hopefully so I can begin the path to excellent oral hygiene. I've even decided to purchase a waterpik because I never floss and I believe this will make me want to, as well as a new sonicare toothbrush, which I won't use until I can improve the condition of my gums. What I guess I'm asking is, is it too late to turn things around? How much damage have I probably done? When I go to the dentist, what will they tell me? As you can tell, I'm very concerned, and I need your input. Thank you.