How much more money (over the $300,000 he had made so far after Wilson's outburst) do you think Wilson's opponent will make in donations? And why do the repubs want to think that we are angry at Wilson's outburst, when all he did was make the repubs look worse? No one thinks he should be jailed, etc. Where are all you getting that from?
Rayne-we are supposed to read a link that has the word fox in it? You are a kool-aid drinker. I knew it!
OK- to all of you who care about the truth.....
WASHINGTON – Rep. Joe Wilson is wrong. In his speech to Congress Wednesday, President Barack Obama said the changes to health care that he's proposing "would not apply to those who are here illegally." That prompted Wilson, a South Carolina Republican, to shout "You lie!" from his seat in the House chamber. Wilson later apologized for the outburst, but he didn't back down from his claim.
THE FACTS: The House version of the health care bill explicitly prohibits spending any federal money to help illegal immigrants get health care coverage. Illegal immigrants could buy private health insurance, as many do now, and they could also buy into a new government-run insurance plan if Congress creates one. But unlike legal residents, they wouldn't get federal subsidies to help them. The bill's exact language: "Nothing in this subtitle shall allow federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully in the United States."