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  1. #1

    How educated are anthropogenic global warming believers to factors that caused

    climate change in the past? have these factors been researched and excluded as the cause of climate change now, or is there

    just no money in proving that fact!!!

  2. #2
    Martin M's Avatar
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    There is plenty of money for anyone who can prove greenhouse gases are not the main driver, unfortunately for you guys: there is no data to support that claim.

  3. #3
    black magic.
    black magic.'s Avatar
    Lets put it this way. There is a natural global warming and cooling. It arives and goes in cycles. The little ice age, was the last cooling part of the cycle. The Earth had been warming on it's own since then. Man effecting these outcomes, with the latest technology we have, are very low.

    The majority of top scientist from around the world agree that global warming is too complex to track. Makes sense, because most of those who claim global warming by man, seem to be mostly amateurs / low ranking scientists.

    Wasn't it not to long ago, someone hacked into a computer. Finding out that the numbers on global warming, had been greatly tampered with? (Some UN documents)? That alone shows how much of a scam global warming can really be.

    All organic organisms are made from three basic elements. Oxygen, Hydrogen and guess what.... Carbon dioxide. C02 (Carbon dioxide) is the basic molecule for organic structure / matter. Most organic organisms, including humans, exhale C02, because of this.

    The oil and coal we use for energy is guess what? Formed by millions of years of dead organic matter.

    When life first began, there was no ozone. Only clouds of gases, mostly made up of Carbon dioxide. The first organic animals, being microscopic plant species living in the oceans, where the ones releasing oxygen in the atmosphere for us. (creating ozone).

    I do agree on one note however. The less plant species surviving on earth, the less oxygen in the atmosphere. Since plants are our source for oxygen to begin with. The less plant species producing oxygen, the more we suffocate with our own C02.

    The best way to solve the problem is to plant more trees.

    However, global warming is indeed being blown up for political reasons. You have to admit. Gore used global warming as a perfect scam to make his millions upon billions.

    Didn't Gore suggest we where going through global cooling years ago? He must not have been making enough from that scam.

    Side note: I would bet a million that "Sky", doesn't know what "Anthropogenic" means.

  4. #4
    Philosulfer's Avatar
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    They are not educated, just indoctrinated.



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