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  1. #1
    Amber P
    Amber P's Avatar

    Teen pregnancy laws?????

    My question is when your 15 year old daughter becomes pregnant and you, yourself can not afford another child, and your teen refuses to give the child up for adoption what else can you do.The state sasy she has rights but what about mine.Like the fact I cant afford another mouth to feed.And shes not even old enough to get a job.Wheres my rights.Im pretty sure their is a family out their that would love to adopt this baby.Im really not understanding this.Doesnt the state realize i am the one that will have to pay for the baby not her.i mean I have to tell her to take a bath and brush her teeth she's so lazy.How is she suppose to take care of a baby.Me and her father talk to her about sex.But she said when she went to her grandmothers house she did what she wanted to do.I need some words of wisdom...someone please give me your input.
    I would like to say my daughter doesnt know who the father is and she wil not say who It might be.I live in mississippi(yeah a shitty state)I do not pressure her to give the child up for adoption.In this state you cant work until your 16 and she just turned 15.
    Oh and im not going to jail for kicking her out..im sorry cant do it.
    You sue when you dont know who the father is..
    Oh I would like to add she's already said she is going to leave the baby with me and i told her noo and she said well i thought you were going to take care of her.I told her that she is her responsibilty.
    legal adivice in this state huh..The legal adivice they give you is talk to her about giving the baby up for adoption , they said I cant make her she has to make the decision on her own.As far as the stae helping all you get is wic and you have to buy diapers and the rest yourself.I looked at the baby stuff and whoa was I surprised.so high

  2. #2
    27 weeks with #1
    27 weeks with #1's Avatar
    Well, make her and the childs father take care of it. I'm 17 years old and pregnant, and I have all the choices.. But, my mom gave me the choice and shes standing behind me 100%.

  3. #3
    khjg's Avatar
    Suggest Open adoption, or like the other person said "kick her out" and let her sink or swim.

  4. #4
    Renée's Avatar
    Kick her out. Yes it is harsh. But if you are going to play adult games. You need to act like an adult. Especially if this means bringing a baby into the world. She needs to get a job, prenatal care & her own place to live.

  5. #5
    Twitch's Avatar
    This is a really tough situation, and there are thousands of parents going through this right now because young kids don't want to be responsible for their actions. The best advice that I could give you is that you said that your daughter was planning on leaving the baby with you (so she can go out and be a kid still, right?); I would contact CPS and tell them that your daughter had a child and is completely neglectful. That she won't do anything for herself to take care of her child... that she can't afford to take care of it, and doesn't care about affording a child. Also, that she's expecting you to take care of it, and that you can't afford another mouth to feed. I would contact them now if I were you to see what could be done about this situation. Technically someone who lacks the will to get out of bed to take care of themselves to shower, brush their teeth... etc is 'depressed', and in some states, if the case is bad enough, they will take your kids away for it. Your daughter doesn't sound responsible enough to have children this early (what 15 year old does though??) so on your half, you should step up the parenting a little and take even her basic privileges away to let her know that you are still the parent. I hope that everything works out. Good luck with her.

  6. #6
    EDD: 12/5 baby boy #2
    EDD: 12/5 baby boy #2's Avatar
    Someone seriously needs to find the dad's parents, because they need to be somewhat liable too. If she doesn't know who the father is, she needs to find out...come on she knows who she had sex with, I would hope. I don't want to sound harsh, but teenagers wonder why adults are so against them getting pregnant and having babies, your situation is one of the main reasons. Sorry, you have to deal with that. I don't think the law cares, and since she isn't adult age, yes you still have to be responsible for her. Just do what you are planning, start looking into adoption, she needs to know the consequences for not listening to you. It's to bad she made an irresponsible decision, but you won't be able to take care of the baby, she and her sperm donor have put all of you in a predicament. Hope everything works out for the best, best for all in your situation.

  7. #7
    Miss Rayne's Mommy!!!
    Miss Rayne's Mommy!!!'s Avatar
    sounds like you have it pretty tough right now.. i see both of your points. its her baby she wants to keep it, but she is 15 sounds to me like she cant take care of herself theres no way she can take care of someone else as well. but i also understand that u are just looking out for her because she is so young and you know she cant take care of someone else so you want the baby to go to someone that can. Have you looked for any legal advice? with her being only 15 i am not sure if there is any legal action you can take. but if it does so happen that she does keep the baby i think she can get some kind of help from the state to help her raise her baby. I guess you just have to talk about it as a family and come to the most reliable conclusion

    good luck

  8. #8
    ??Julian'sMommy??'s Avatar
    I myself would not want to raise my own grankid. It is not my place too. I am not the one who got pregnant so therefore it is not my place to raise and feed someone else's mistake.

    In some states they perform abortions up to 24 weeks. Go to http://www.abortion.com click on your state then a clinic. I know they do it in Kanas.
    Anyhow i know how you must be feeling. I would not watch her kid for her. I would make her move out before i would help her, she should have went to the health department and got on free birth control.

  9. #9
    Tanisha D
    Tanisha D's Avatar
    Birthright may be able to help with Baby items call 1-800-550-4900 God Bless or try a local crisis pregnancy center .



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