Me & my aunty are walking to her house & I see my boyfriend sitting in this car. He's smiling at me & I'm sitting on the step waiting for her, so we can leave. We drive in a different car to her friends house, and the lady tells me to go get food from her cupboards. I keep grabbing open packets of cookies which only have 1 left in them, so I throw them in the bin. Then mum makes me open the fridge, there's a cake. It looks like rocky road so I take a piece. When I bite it, it tastes like rubber and I realise it has peaches in it. So I spit it out in the sink & throw the cake out. I go walk back into the lounge, & one of her sons tries to kiss me but I walk away. I wonder where my boyfriend is & then I see he's sitting outside in the rain. I sit in front of the door watching him & he turns around. Then I start tracing shape on the foggy window then I start dreaming about something that happened earlier, when I was sitting on a bench & we were kissing & he's touching my legs. Then I stop dreaming and I can feel how cold it is on my hands. I stare at him & watch the water drip down his face because he's soaked & he mouths "I love you" really slowly. Then I woke up.
I've tried using a site to help me, but it's too confusing. If you specialize with dreams, please help me! Don't just post me stuff from sites, please describe things, etc.