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  1. #11
    gwhiz1052's Avatar
    That person was insane,I do not advocate guns and I do not blame Atheists.

  2. #12
    Farrah's Avatar
    America's gun culture does not include shooting up schools, which yes, were the acts of stupid atheists who probably spent too much time online listening to other stupid atheists.

    Should food be banned because some people are fat?

    Should tylenol be banned because some people take the whole bottle to commit suicide?

    Atheists confuse me, they talk about how religion "controls" them, but run to the government to implement more control because of fear.
    Who are you voting for? The guy who likes big government, or the guy who likes small government?

    There is no solid foundation to your beliefs, you make them up as you go along, and that's why your beliefs, not ours, will have people in chains.

  3. #13
    country_girl's Avatar
    I agree. I am basically liberal, but I support guns to some extent. I think that people would be less violent and dangerous if they were properly trained on how to use guns.

    I am an atheist though, and I hate when people blame suicide and murder on the non-religious.

  4. #14
    mitch's Avatar
    Why don't you blame Ford or Chevy next time some drunk gets behind the wheel and kills someone.......Oh, he didn't mean to do it. He was drunk. It wasn't his fault, It was the car companies fault for making a vehicle for him to drive.......Nobody is responsible for their actions anymore. They always have to blame it on someone or something else......Blame spoons for someone being fat...... I am a conservative Christian and I don't blame Atheists for school shootings, I blame Satanic cult members for it. Atheists aren't supposed to have any religion at all.

  5. #15
    magpieix's Avatar
    Scary, isn't it.

  6. #16
    ?????? §wéétié†?dž ??????
    ?????? §wéétié†?dž ??????'s Avatar
    Those shootings have NOTHING to do with Atheism, sadly there is a 'Fundamentalist Christian element' that promote the use of as well as the right to carry guns!.

  7. #17
    Purdey EP
    Purdey EP's Avatar
    In all honesty I think most people blame the school shootings on kids who have been the victims of bullying. However, I have heard a lot of people saying they wouldn't have happened if God was still in the schools. I think that's a load of baloney. I imagine the kids who bully were bullied themselves, most likely by their God-fearing parents. It's really sad to see the way some kids are treated by their parents--I have a student who on her own went to our principal and told him she didn't want to go home because her parents hadn't paid the water bill in 9 months and they'd been without water for 6 months. (fortunately she's getting to go live with an aunt) Between crap like that and the parents who totally ignore their kids, it's no wonder we have some angry kids out there. Stepping off the soapbox now.

  8. #18
    benji's Avatar
    The same reason they try to associate Barak Obama with terrorist activity that occurred when Obama was 8 years old.

  9. #19
    irkd's Avatar
    Probably by the same logic that dictates they eat at Burger Christ while blaming global warming on cow farts.

  10. #20
    meerkat's Avatar
    Not all gun enthusiasts are Christians, and there are many Christians who are against guns.

    I've never heard anyone blame school shootings on Atheism. What I have noticed is that many of the shooters are lonely, depressed people (usually males) who are bullied and/or ignored by the rest of the students. Guns are thought of as a "type" of power--also a quick means of suicide afterward. The shootings are the student's last desperate attempt to be noticed.

    In my opinion, what is to blame is the school caste-system that divides students into groups of accepted and unaccepted people. While teachers and parents make an effort to teach children to be tolerant and accepting of people of other races, religions, etc., they should also teach them to be accepting of people of different social statuses.



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