1) Workout - exercise type and duration,intensity (see perceived exertion scale)This should be written in a format below with minutes of exercise PER day as well as a week total.

2) Short-term goals for the week as well as brief assessment on how you did.

Exercise Journal Sept 8-14th
Week goal: Jog 2x, walk 2x, total ex time 2 1/2 hours Increase abdominal ex from 20 to 30 times Increase bench press from 60 lbs to 70lbs (In other words be specific!)
Monday: jogged 20 minutes, stretched 10 minutes Total time 30 min (good intensity)
Tuesday: walked 30 minutes, stretched 10 minutes 10 pushups, 20 reverse crunches Total time: 50 min (easy)
Weds: Off
Thursday: Jogged 20 min, stretched 10 min, 15 pushups, 25 reverse crunches Total time: 40 min (Hard)
Friday: WalKed 30 min, stretched 10 min, lunges 30x Right and Left w/ 5lbs weight Total time: 40 min Saturday: Biked 40 min, Stretched 10 min Total time: 50 min (moderate intensity)
Goal assessment: Goals met! Can probably increase pushups/abdominal exercises next week.

Don't forget to put a before and after goal. It can even be all fake if you want, or it can be a weekly dream workout you would like to do: 10 points?