Okay, so I had sex once right before I should have ovulated, but we are using a really reliable form of birth control- so I figured it was no big deal. Then about 5 days after that (but still several days before my period was due) after I started spotting- it lasted about 5 days. But, it was very similar to what happened when I was pregnant with my son 3 years ago. When I saw that, I could just tell in my gut that I was pregnant again. So, I wait for my period- usually I have awful cramps for a few days before, but nothing- so the day I was due to start I took a pregnancy test- came back negative, but I didn't quite believe it. So here I am, 3 days after my period was due and now I'm sorta bleeding- but it's like pinkish fluid and tiny red clots- not my normal period...and I'm starting to cramp a lot. What do you think? Just a weird cycle? Or do you think I was really pregnant and had an early miscarriage? Ugh, I didn't want to get pregnant, but I definitely didn't want to get pregnant and lose the baby. I'm just telling myself it's just a weird month, but I can't really believe it. Anyone else have this happen?