explain, any experiences? Well he knows I don't need him any longer, that's why I am completely ignoring him and not bothering his shits but he is getting on my nerves now, tomorrow is the last day of school and then it is study leave..... I gave up the study room (9 weeks by now) because I know he will play mind games to make me sad, because I am ignoring him? Why am I doing this? To forget him (I don't need him). Well the thing is I give my best shot to avoid him, but then he keeps making me sad, any way he can find. He gets angry when I am happy, talk to other guys, he is in my form class and sits next to me. He tries to catch me in the study room to make he sad by talking to other girls. I ignore him, he does things to make me sad.... He changed his place perpously and my friends were looking at my face- I didn't give a **** but kept laughing for other people's jokes. I don't have any one to tell to not even a friend, he knows this that's why he does kiddish stuffs, what to do? Keep ignoring? Why is he doing this? Have you gone through this situation? Please tell me what I can do, I am crying right now.