So I know some of you folks will question "why tha heck waste time on an intrepid"!?! Well, to put it simply I LOVE IT and 'ol gal is truthfully pretty fun! What I'm wanting to know is what kinda mods to the exhaust system will benefit its performance while being sweet music to my ears? I've kinda shopped around online and have not had any luck and I don't wanna start butchering whats already in it. Any advice from fellow dodge fans? Its got K&N air and oil filters but for the most part i want to leave it as..i guess i should say American and not ricer sounding as possible lol. Major speed and 1/4 mile results differences are no biggie to me; just wantin' it to stand out a bit from the crowd while adding a a lil more than just 205 HP. Thanks..i'll shut up now lol
