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  1. #1
    Joel T
    Joel T's Avatar

    Should we be concerned about China's Huge Military Build up?

    They out Number American troops 10 to1. Most people have stated that China is no threat because they don't have the Navy to transport troops. However in recent years China has Bolstered it's navy. Even has an airforce that is now Considered Unpenitrable. As well as secret submarines building facilities that are are inland and have tunnels leading out to the ocean This was recently released by the media. Does any one think we have reason to be concerned about this. Germany was just a little country and almost took over the world. Could they actually be building up for such a scenario? Why do they need such a large Military and should the United States counter with a military Build up of thier own. Or is China Buying up so much of our Debt to pretty Much force us to be an ally.

  2. #2
    italienne's Avatar
    Ya think?

    They could surrender and cripple our economy.

  3. #3
    roy's Avatar
    China is a concern. I'm not worried about their numbers. Our fighters are so high tech, no enemy army will ever occupy our continental 48. How ever, their nukes are a worry. Any one nukes us, the response will be great enough to destroy human kind. China is a threat to Asian peace, which will become a world war before its resolved. I think they do have designs of conquest in mind. They want land adjacent to the Indian Ocean. I hope I don't see it in my lifetime.

  4. #4
    greenwood's Avatar
    I think your last sentence says it all. China will be the new super power in probably 8-10 years. Their work force dwarfs ours and they are currently expanding monetarily at a rapid rate. They can sustain growth with the help of many other nations as the dollar weakens and makes us less powerful. This will cripple the US economy. A crippled economy can not support a huge military or government which will inevitably make our military as powerful as Russia's after their crash.

  5. #5
    Wolf's Avatar
    Don't worry India has out backs

  6. #6
    JJ boogie
    JJ boogie's Avatar
    Yeah that's it. An arms race with China that's what we need.
    Are you for real? We have enough nukes to disintegrate China a thousand times over. Why are you worried? Do you have some information that suggests the Chinese plan to invade the United States? Stop being paranoid. They have their own problems. They build up their military for their own reasons. It doesn't mean they pose a threat. They are having problems with seperatist Taiwan and the have plenty of other nations right on their borders.

    Think about this while you are worrying about the upcoming Chinese invasion
    1. As a sovereign nation they can build up their military any time they fe like it.
    2. Just how would they get all those soldiers over here anyway? We would blkow their warships out of the water before they got 50 miles out to sea.

    No we shouldn't be concerned about their militart build up. We should be concerned about the way they infringe on our copyrights, import American jobs, pollute the environment, oppress their own people, export toys containing lead to the United States and birdflu to the world. We should be concerned about continually giving them most favord nation trading status when they don't honor the rules of any of our current trade agreements.

    Their army couldn't even defeat tiny Japan.

  7. #7
    David W
    David W's Avatar
    By us having enormous trade deficts with China, china has a lot of US Curency- the problem is that if China should go to war with us - one of our Capabilities is to deem the money which they have acquired - worthless - & would loose all trade capability with us - therefore they have more to loose by going to war then they would by being peaceful with us.

    Their showing off of their military- is just that - showing off.

  8. #8
    Ryan's Avatar
    most every act of militarism (the building up of one's military) has resulted in war, why should we think this time its any different? We tried that with germany twice, look what happened. The two largest and most costly wars in human history.

    China and Iran, i worry about both of them. Iran moreso because they are currently in the process trying to obtain nuclear capabilities, and being a fanatical fundamentalist nation could cause a serious problem. They are also self-dependent manufacturing most of thier own good and military equipment.

  9. #9
    mannzaformulaone's Avatar
    Right now China is hedging its bets as to hold the strongest possible position in any future scenario.

    Personally I do not believe they currently have any plans to wage war with the U.S. or rest of the world.

    Not to mention that Japan would kung fu their ass or something with their magic cell-phones before they got 10 miles off shore.

    What the hell, did they really censor the word "ass"?

  10. #10
    Wulfie's Avatar
    As I recall, Bill Clinton made them swear they would never attack America. Then they gave him one million dollars for his 1996 presidential campaign.



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