I tend to have swings in my self-confidence that then affect my self-esteem and my mood.

I never feel "on top of the world" (a la Leonardo di Caprio in Titanic), but I will have a string of days or a week where things are going smoothly, I feel very comfortable about situations in my life, and am confident about how things are going. I don't worry too much about unknowns or the future, and am a good, objective source of advice for friends when they need it. I am also able to think rationally if I get into an argument and someone is attacking me verbally; I see their attacks as something they are spewing and not anything I need to take personally, thus I can stay cool.

But some weeks I have very low self-confidence and just feel "blah". This will last for a few days, and it's never severe enough to be called clinical depression; I'm able to get myself up, dressed professionally, and maintain an impeccably clean apartment. But I just feel like I take everything personally during that time.

Is this normal? Is someone here a health professional I could ask about a little more, maybe via instant messenger?
thanks for the reply. as to most people feeling like me most of the time, do you mean that most people also experience downtimes and anxiety about the future?